PMD ROM Hacking Weekly - September 5th, 2021
Table of Contents
⮝ Explorers ROM Hacking News
⮝ Announce of pmd: Grovyles Story !
by ChrisSema in the SkyTemple Discord server
Hello, I'm Chris and creator of hack pmd: Grovyles Story. My hack begins before the events of pmd2 EoS. How a Treecko living in the grey forest became the Grovyle we know today. How he met the humans and befriended a human. How he discovered the secret to save the world. How he found a way into the past. And also his journey in the past, while the human found a new life. All from Grovyle's point of view.
Chapter 1 - 3 are finished, playtime of 60 minutes
Difficult: medium-hard (no reviver seed)
Currently I am planning and working on chapter 4 - 6, I am looking for someone who can create backgrounds for scenes in the future. I am also looking for a translator (german --> english)
For questions and more, pm me or join discord:
⮝ Explorers of Hell 1.3 released !
by Babou on the "Babou's guild" Discord server
Hello everyone ! Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Hell 1.3 is now available!
Here is the list of patches :
- Makuhita which is located in Beach Cave has been nerfed
- Castform no longer crashes the game when it changes form
- The Petrify Orb no longer petrifies the user
- Origin Pulse no longer deals neutral damage to all types
- And other little bugs, if you see any, don't hesitate to tell me
List of additions :
- Ditto shiny is available at Final Maze 18F
- A new dungeon: Magic Cave, which is unlocked after finishing Stormy Plains. It allows you to recruit several post-game pokémon, and some pokémon from generations 5-8.
- A new NPC in the crossroad that allows to change the name of the hero
A lot of new things are planned for 1.4: New dungeons, new pokémon, new shiny, recruit Purple Kecleon, new items, this update will not arrive for a long time, but I hope you will like it.
At the same time, I announce the release of Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Heaven ! It's the same version as Hell, but without modified dialogues! I hope this version will allow everyone to be comfortable with the game! Thanks again to everyone, it's nice to see you having a good time on my game!
⮝ PMD: Crashing Dimension on hiatus
by PikaNiko in the SkyTemple Discord server
Because PMD Crashing Dimension team members are busy recently, I am sorry to announce that the development of PMD Crashing Dimension will stop indefinitely until the team members and I have further plan.
Also for PMD 99, I will continue developing it after the next version of SkyTemple comes out.
I am planning to make fangames based on PMD fanfiction now...
⮝ New Community Assets
Animated sprites in this section are animated PNG files. If animated sprites appear to be static images, make sure that your browser supports PNG animation. (Most modern browsers should display them just fine, though.)
⮝ Pokemon
Articuno Galar by chime
Portrait AddedArticuno Galar Shiny by chime
Portrait AddedAudino Mega by chime
Portrait AddedAudino Mega Shiny by chime
Portrait AddedBanette Mega by chime
Portrait AddedBanette Mega Shiny by chime
Portrait AddedBudew Shiny by Murpi
Portrait AddedBuneary Shiny by Murpi
Portrait AddedCombee Shiny Female by Murpi
Portrait AddedCranidos Shiny by Murpi
Portrait AddedDecidueye Alternate by CamusZekeSirius
Portrait AddedDecidueye Alternate Shiny by CamusZekeSirius
Portrait AddedDiancie by Emmuffin
Sprite AddedDusknoir Shiny by Murpi
Portrait AddedEmboar by Emboarger
Portrait AddedFloatzel Shiny by Murpi
Portrait AddedFlorges Blue by baronessfaron
Portrait AddedFlorges Orange by baronessfaron
Portrait AddedFlorges White by baronessfaron
Portrait AddedFlorges Yellow by baronessfaron
Portrait AddedFroslass Shiny by Murpi
Portrait AddedGallade Mega Shiny by Murpi
Portrait AddedGarchomp Mega by chime
Portrait AddedGarchomp Mega Shiny by chime
Portrait AddedGenesect by chime
Portrait ChangedGenesect Shiny by chime
Portrait AddedGenesect Burn by chime
Portrait AddedGenesect Burn Shiny by chime
Portrait AddedGenesect Chill by chime
Portrait AddedGenesect Chill Shiny by chime
Portrait AddedGenesect Douse by chime
Portrait AddedGenesect Douse Shiny by chime
Portrait AddedGenesect Shock by chime
Portrait AddedGenesect Shock Shiny by chime
Portrait AddedGible Shiny by Murpi
Portrait AddedGible Shiny Female by Murpi
Portrait AddedGrotle Shiny by Murpi
Portrait AddedHatenna by baronessfaron
Portrait AddedJumpluff Shiny by Murpi
Portrait AddedLopunny Shiny by Murpi
Portrait AddedLopunny Mega Shiny by Murpi
Portrait AddedManectric Mega by chime
Portrait AddedManectric Mega Shiny by chime
Portrait AddedMime_Jr_ Shiny by Murpi
Portrait AddedMinior Blue Shiny by Waffluffe
Portrait AddedMinior Green Shiny by Waffluffe
Portrait AddedMinior Indigo Shiny by Waffluffe
Portrait AddedMinior Orange Shiny by Waffluffe
Portrait AddedMinior Red Shiny by Waffluffe
Portrait AddedMinior Violet Shiny by Waffluffe
Portrait AddedMinior Yellow Shiny by Waffluffe
Portrait AddedNickit Shiny by Waffluffe
Portrait AddedShroomish by drawsstuff
Portrait AddedShroomish Shiny by drawsstuff
Portrait AddedSkuntank by drawsstuff
Portrait AddedSkuntank Shiny by drawsstuff
Portrait AddedSnover Shiny by Murpi
Portrait AddedSnover Shiny Female by Murpi
Portrait AddedStoutland by drawsstuff
Portrait AddedTorterra Shiny by Murpi
Portrait AddedTyphlosion by 0palite
Portrait ChangedTyphlosion Shiny by Emboarger
Portrait ChangedVespiquen Shiny by Murpi
Portrait AddedWeavile Shiny by Murpi
Portrait ChangedWishiwashi Shiny by chime
Portrait AddedWormadam Shiny by Murpi
Portrait AddedWormadam Sand Shiny by Murpi
Portrait AddedWormadam Trash Shiny by Murpi
Portrait AddedZeraora by Waffluffe
Portrait Added
⮝ Editor's Notes
Did I miss anything? Feel free to open a github issue, contact me on Discord at marius851000#2522
, send me an email at
, or send me a message from an ActivityPub-compatible service (Mastodon) at
Newsletter Credits
Written and formatted by marius851000#2522