PMD ROM Hacking Weekly - August 1st, 2021
Table of Contents
⮝ Explorers ROM Hacking News
⮝ New trailer for Explorers of Skies
by staro in the SkyTemple server
It's been over half a year since the last trailer, I've been working on this since late June, and finally got it all edited up! It spotlights some new features added after update 0.6!
⮝ PikaNiko's hack's update
by PikaNiko in the SkyTemple Discord server
(I am still finding spriter for PMD: Crashing Dimension for making Missingno sprite, please DM me if you are interested)
New game
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Reborn of a Hero and Born of the Best Partner
Plot: A Pichu lived in a small town and always dreamed about exploring uncharted territories and meets a young Starly and Eevee. They go on a journey and eventually become the best of friend. But eventually, Pichu discovered their previous life as the greatest explorer before...
Special Episode 1: Bagon's Lost Bacon (???) (Yeah if Skytemple is possible to modify Special Episode)
PMD: History Museum cancelled and some of the dungeon and feature will be in the game.
- PMD: Explorers of Pixel cancelled and one of the dungeon in game will be in GameBoy style.
- There will be a PMD 99 style dungeon in the game as a reference to PMD 99 (But PMD 99 is not cancelled)
(I got this idea from sleeping (???)
While I will also make a ROM hack based on Undertale-PMD comic :P
Discord server:
⮝ New version of Exploradores dos céus !
Hello, I'm here again after a long while. Business only seem to worsen for me, and laziness also... well don't worry but It's been going better recently. I mean, there's another project I'm helping with for another hack, but that's besides the point. Since last time chapter 6 was completely done and 7 is basically done too. I also managed to recruit some more help! (If anyone wants to help please contact me ;w;) The current stats are:
- Personality quiz is done
- Chapters 1-6 are complete
- Feet minigame is complete (this was pain)
- Most menus are translated
- Chapter 7 ~80% done
- Chapter 8 in the making already!
- The sprites should all say "Exploradores dos céus" but it might have some sprite jankiness, I'll try to fix later. I don't have plans in translating the "Mystery dungeon" to anything else though, specially since anything besides mystery dungeon sounds incredibly off.
The patch is attached here if you want to try it out! If you want to point out any errors in the translation - or maybe even help me out - come check my server! 🇧🇷
⮝ Moizing accept portrait commission !
Moizing, on the SkyTemple Discord
Oh, I am also taking coms of these, but only for the default portrait for 15$ on my Ko-Fi if anyone is interested
⮝ New Community Assets
Animated sprites in this section are animated PNG files. If animated sprites appear to be static images, make sure that your browser supports PNG animation. (Most modern browsers should display them just fine, though.)
⮝ Pokemon
Alcremie Rainbow_Swirl_Berry_Sweet by Emmuffin
Portrait AddedAlcremie Rainbow_Swirl_Clover_Sweet by Emmuffin
Portrait AddedAlcremie Rainbow_Swirl_Flower_Sweet by Emmuffin
Portrait AddedAlcremie Rainbow_Swirl_Love_Sweet by Emmuffin
Portrait AddedAlcremie Rainbow_Swirl_Ribbon_Sweet by Emmuffin
Portrait AddedAlcremie Rainbow_Swirl_Star_Sweet by Emmuffin
Portrait AddedAlcremie Rainbow_Swirl_Strawberry_Sweet by Emmuffin
Portrait AddedAmaura Shiny by Emmuffin
Sprite AddedAurorus Shiny by Emmuffin
Sprite AddedBlitzle by Emmuffin
Portrait AddedBlitzle Shiny by Emmuffin
Portrait AddedBraixen Shiny by Emmuffin
Sprite AddedBuzzwole by Emboarger
Portrait AddedChansey Shiny by Murpi
Portrait AddedCleffa Shiny by Murpi
Portrait AddedDrifloon by Deleca7755
Portrait AddedDrifloon Shiny by Deleca7755
Portrait AddedDrifloon Altcolor by Deleca7755
Portrait AddedEmboar by mucrush
Portrait ChangedFloette by baronessfaron
Sprite ChangedGreninja by baronessfaron
Portrait AddedHoundour Shiny by Murpi
Portrait AddedKabuto Shiny by Murpi
Portrait AddedLatios Shiny by Emmuffin
Portrait AddedLilligant by Emmuffin
Portrait AddedMarowak by Emmuffin
Portrait AddedNihilego by Emboarger
Portrait AddedNihilego Shiny by Emmuffin
Sprite AddedPorygon Shiny by Murpi
Portrait AddedRaboot Shiny by Emmuffin
Sprite AddedRemoraid Shiny by Murpi
Portrait AddedSunflora Shiny by Murpi
Portrait AddedSunkern Shiny by Murpi
Portrait AddedSwinub Shiny by Murpi
Portrait AddedTangela Shiny by Murpi
Portrait AddedTyphlosion Shiny by Murpi
Portrait AddedWigglytuff by Emboarger
Portrait AddedWigglytuff Shiny by Murpi
Portrait AddedWigglytuff Mama Shiny by Murpi
Portrait AddedZorua Shiny by Emmuffin
Sprite AddedZorua Alternate Shiny by baronessfaron
Portrait Added
⮝ SkyTemple Changes
⮝ New Features
- Commited by Parakoopa and Irdkwia : Backend to edit playable characters in special episode.
⮝ Fixes
- Commited by irdkwia : "Attempt to fix hardware issues with ChooseStarter patch" ( "Not sure if it works." )
- Commited by irdkwia : "Fix second byte of Extra Dungeon Data not updated"
- Commited by Parakoopa : "Dungeon preview: Refresh tileset on tileset change"
- Commited by Parakoopa : fix a memory leak realated to floor editing and map backgrounds.
⮝ Changes
- Commited by Parakoopa : Displayed dungeon name are now fetched from ROM.
⮝ Screenshots
⮝ Other good related but non-rom-hacking content
⮝ Pokemon Mystery Realms have randomly generated dungeon !
By Shiny Valfetch'd in the PMR Discord
Hey guys!! We come today with a big leap in PMR's development! Introducing.....
Randomly generated DUNGEONS!!
Shown off by our
scripter @Whimsy, this shows how dungeon generation will work in PMR!
Special thanks to Skytemple for the resources necessary to make this possible! Special thanks to @atelier pptx for the coding genius! Check out Skytemple below and also the teaser video!!
We are also still recruiting! Coders & Spriters!! Please contact @Chel if you would like to apply for any of these positions!! Thank you!!
Discord invite link for the PMR server
⮝ Editor's Notes
Did I miss anything? Feel free to open a github issue, contact me on Discord at marius851000#2522
, send me an email at
, or send me a message from an ActivityPub-compatible service (Mastodon) at
Newsletter Credits
Written and initially formatted by marius851000#2522