PMD ROM Hacking Weekly - June 27th, 2021
Table of Contents
⮝ Explorers ROM Hacking News
⮝ Explorers of Hell News
From Babou's Discord server:
Hello @everyone! Here is some news about Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Hell. Expect little or no news until the game is released.
- Some bosses will be replayable in "Hell" mode. Here is an example with the replay against Dusknoir
- You will get an HM by going up in exploration rank
- The guild's Q&A table now answers more useful questions
- All Legendary Pokemon will be recruitable in Shiny. You will need Mystery Part/Secret Slab, and they will appear in a dungeon floor with a very low percentage
- A new dungeon: Victory Road, which can be unlocked after graduation, and will allow you to recruit Victini
Thanks again to all those who follow the progress of the game, a release date will be communicated in August, I hope you will like the game!
Tweet Link :
⮝ Explorers of Death News
FireFox6 shared a video with the two first cutscenes of Explorers of Death
I've come a long way in both romhacking and video editing skills since the last time Youtube saw my hack (The Skytemple hack showcase video). The hack is still in development, there's alot more done than what you see here. Keep in mind that what is shown here may be changed later
If you wish to see updates about the romhack, join the Explorers of Death Discord Server! DM my Discord Account, FireFox6#/3633 (ignore the slash) for a link. (Be sure to specifically ask for a link, if you just say "hello" or something similar, I may ignore you).
Additionally, Spark announced an update about their Tumblr ask blog:
The official EOD Tumblr has updated!
Send the EOD trio questions by going to the ask page.
Questions can be sent to past or future versions of the characters when specified.
The past takes place during the events of the story, and the future takes place after the ending of the story.
Please only read the blog if you've read the creepypasta!
⮝ PMD: 99 Discord Server Moved to Team Pika, Demo Coming Soon
Though I can't find the original announcement anymore, PMD: 99's Discord server has been closed. The project is still ongoing, though. It's now hosted on the Team Pika Integrated Base Discord Server.
Announcment by Niko in the SkyTemple Discord Server:
While PMD: Crashing Dimension is being worked by the team and me, PMD 99 will have a new demo very soon. Thank for the help of the team members.
I will make a small mod for Explorers of Sky which turns all the stuff into 8 bits style in the future I guess.
⮝ New Hack, PMD: History Museum
Announcement made by Niko in the SkyTemple Discord server
Short PMD Fan Games
PMD: History Museum
Purpose of the fan games
To make the unused sprites / dungeons and demo dungeons be known by public.
- New dungeons (EoS demos dungeon and Rescue Team unused dungeon remade)
- Reuse the unused sprite of PMD games
Discord server:
(Release date: before the end of August)
PMD: Explorers of Pixel
Just make the whole games into Game Boy style, yeah...
(Release date: soon)
⮝ New Community Assets
Animated sprites in this section are animated PNG files. If animated sprites appear to be static images, make sure that your browser supports PNG animation. (Most modern browsers should display them just fine, though.)
⮝ Pokemon
Abra Shiny by Nooga
Portrait AddedAipom Shiny by Murpi
Portrait AddedAipom Shiny Female by Murpi
Portrait AddedAmpharos Shiny by Nooga
Portrait AddedAnorith Shiny by Nooga
Portrait AddedArceus by someone with the discord id <@!237286997645983744>
Portrait AddedArceus Shiny by someone with the discord id <@!237286997645983744>
Portrait AddedArceus Bug by someone with the discord id <@!237286997645983744>
Portrait AddedArceus Bug Shiny by someone with the discord id <@!237286997645983744>
Portrait AddedArceus Dark by someone with the discord id <@!237286997645983744>
Portrait AddedArceus Dark Shiny by someone with the discord id <@!237286997645983744>
Portrait AddedArceus Dragon by someone with the discord id <@!237286997645983744>
Portrait AddedArceus Dragon Shiny by someone with the discord id <@!237286997645983744>
Portrait AddedArceus Electric by someone with the discord id <@!237286997645983744>
Portrait AddedArceus Electric Shiny by someone with the discord id <@!237286997645983744>
Portrait AddedArceus Fairy by someone with the discord id <@!237286997645983744>
Portrait AddedArceus Fairy Shiny by someone with the discord id <@!237286997645983744>
Portrait AddedArceus Fighting by someone with the discord id <@!237286997645983744>
Portrait AddedArceus Fighting Shiny by someone with the discord id <@!237286997645983744>
Portrait AddedArceus Fire by someone with the discord id <@!237286997645983744>
Portrait AddedArceus Fire Shiny by someone with the discord id <@!237286997645983744>
Portrait AddedArceus Flying by someone with the discord id <@!237286997645983744>
Portrait AddedArceus Flying Shiny by someone with the discord id <@!237286997645983744>
Portrait AddedArceus Ghost by someone with the discord id <@!237286997645983744>
Portrait AddedArceus Ghost Shiny by someone with the discord id <@!237286997645983744>
Portrait AddedArceus Grass by someone with the discord id <@!237286997645983744>
Portrait AddedArceus Grass Shiny by someone with the discord id <@!237286997645983744>
Portrait AddedArceus Ground by someone with the discord id <@!237286997645983744>
Portrait AddedArceus Ground Shiny by someone with the discord id <@!237286997645983744>
Portrait AddedArceus Ice by someone with the discord id <@!237286997645983744>
Portrait AddedArceus Ice Shiny by someone with the discord id <@!237286997645983744>
Portrait AddedArceus Poison by someone with the discord id <@!237286997645983744>
Portrait AddedArceus Poison Shiny by someone with the discord id <@!237286997645983744>
Portrait AddedArceus Psychic by someone with the discord id <@!237286997645983744>
Portrait AddedArceus Psychic Shiny by someone with the discord id <@!237286997645983744>
Portrait AddedArceus Rock by someone with the discord id <@!237286997645983744>
Portrait AddedArceus Rock Shiny by someone with the discord id <@!237286997645983744>
Portrait AddedArceus Steel by someone with the discord id <@!237286997645983744>
Portrait AddedArceus Steel Shiny by someone with the discord id <@!237286997645983744>
Portrait AddedArceus Water by someone with the discord id <@!237286997645983744>
Portrait AddedArceus Water Shiny by someone with the discord id <@!237286997645983744>
Portrait AddedAzelf by baronessfaron
Portrait AddedBlastoise by Emboar1234
Portrait AddedBuzzwole by Emboar1234
Portrait AddedCacnea by Emboar1234
Portrait AddedCacnea Shiny by Emboar1234
Portrait AddedCarnivine Shiny by Emboar1234
Portrait AddedCaterpie Shiny by Emboar1234
Portrait AddedChatot Shiny by Nooga
Portrait AddedChinchou Shiny by Nooga
Portrait AddedClefairy Shiny by Emboar1234
Portrait AddedCombusken Shiny by Murpi
Portrait AddedCombusken Shiny Female by Murpi
Portrait AddedComfey by baronessfaron
Portrait AddedDarkrai Shiny by Emboar1234
Portrait AddedDeerling Shiny by Emmuffin
Sprite AddedDeerling Autumn by Emmuffin
Portrait AddedDeerling Autumn Shiny by Emmuffin
Portrait AddedDeerling Summer by Emmuffin
Portrait AddedDeerling Summer Shiny by Emmuffin
Portrait AddedDeerling Winter by Emmuffin
Portrait AddedDeerling Winter Shiny by Emmuffin
Portrait AddedDelcatty Shiny by Nooga
Portrait AddedDiglett Shiny by Nooga
Portrait AddedEiscue by Emboar1234
Portrait AddedEmpoleon Shiny by Nooga
Portrait AddedFlabebe Shiny by Murpi
Portrait AddedFloette Shiny by Murpi
Portrait AddedFloette Eternal by Murpi
Portrait AddedFloette Eternal Shiny by Murpi
Portrait AddedFlorges Shiny by Murpi
Portrait AddedGallade Shiny by Nooga
Portrait AddedGlaceon Shiny by Murpi
Portrait AddedGlameow Shiny by Nooga
Portrait AddedGolisopod by Emboar1234
Portrait AddedGuzzlord by Emboar1234
Portrait AddedIgglybuff Shiny by Anonymous
Portrait RemovedIgglybuff Shiny by Nooga
Portrait AddedIndeedee Female Shiny by Emboar1234
Portrait AddedLandorus Shiny by Murpi
Portrait AddedLandorus Therian by Murpi
Portrait AddedLandorus Therian Shiny by Murpi
Portrait AddedLatias Shiny by Nooga
Portrait AddedLatias Mega by Nooga
Portrait AddedLatios Mega by Nooga
Portrait AddedLycanroc Midnight Shiny by Emboar1234
Portrait AddedMarshadow by DonkinDo
Sprite AddedMetapod by Emboar1234
Portrait AddedMewtwo Shiny by Nooga
Portrait AddedMonferno by baronessfaron
Portrait AddedMonferno Shiny by baronessfaron
Portrait AddedNinetales Shiny by Emboar1234
Portrait AddedOddish Shiny by Emboar1234
Portrait AddedPansage by someone with the discord id <@!237286997645983744>
Portrait AddedPansage Shiny by Emboar1234
Portrait AddedPheromosa by DonkinDo
Portrait AddedPheromosa Shiny by DonkinDo
Portrait AddedPidgey Shiny by Nooga
Portrait AddedPonyta Shiny by EverAsh
Portrait AddedRapidash Shiny by EverAsh
Portrait AddedRhydon Shiny by someone with the discord id <@!237286997645983744>
Portrait AddedRhydon Shiny Female by someone with the discord id <@!237286997645983744>
Portrait AddedSalazzle Shiny by Emboar1234
Portrait AddedSandshrew Alola by Emmuffin
Portrait AddedSandshrew Alola Shiny by Emmuffin
Portrait AddedScatterbug by Emboar1234
Portrait AddedShaymin Sky by Emmuffin
Sprite AddedSkorupi Shiny by Emboar1234
Portrait AddedSnom Shiny by Emboar1234
Portrait AddedSpewpa by Emmuffin
Portrait AddedSpinarak Shiny by Nooga
Portrait AddedStufful by baronessfaron
Portrait AddedStunky Shiny by Nooga
Portrait AddedSunflora by Pokenoice
Portrait AddedSunkern by DonkinDo
Portrait AddedSwadloon by Emmuffin
Portrait ChangedTapu_Koko Shiny by Emboar1234
Portrait AddedTapu_Lele Shiny by Emboar1234
Portrait AddedThundurus Shiny by Murpi
Portrait AddedThundurus Therian by Murpi
Portrait ChangedThundurus Therian Shiny by Murpi
Portrait AddedTogekiss Shiny by Nooga
Portrait AddedTogetic by Emmuffin
Sprite AddedTogetic Shiny by Emmuffin
Sprite AddedTornadus Shiny by Murpi
Portrait AddedTornadus Therian by Murpi
Portrait AddedTornadus Therian Shiny by Murpi
Portrait AddedTropius Shiny by Nooga
Portrait AddedTyrogue Shiny by Nooga
Portrait AddedVaporeon Shiny by someone with the discord id <@!237286997645983744>
Portrait AddedVenusaur Shiny by Emboar1234
Portrait AddedVivillon by Emboar1234
Portrait AddedWooper Shiny by Emboar1234
Portrait AddedWooper Shiny Female by Emboar1234
Portrait AddedYanma Shiny by Nooga
Portrait Added
⮝ SkyTemple Changes
⮝ New Features
- Commited by End45 with the help of irdkwia: "Update MoveShortcuts to display the move list when holding L"
⮝ Fixes
- Commited by Parakoopa: Max rescue attempt value -1 is now correctly marked as meaning "none" rather than "unlimited".
- Commited by Parakoopa: "Fix scene load for newly created maps."
- Commited by Parakoopa: An error when loading floor due to music.
⮝ Changes
- Commited by Parakoopa: Optimisation for broadway (streaming SkyTemple in the web browser).
- Commited by Parakoopa: Enhanced the display of invalid music.
- Commited by Parakoopa: "Add warning for extend Pokémon list patch"
- Commited by Parakoopa: More precise text speed control with debug option
⮝ Screenshots
The new move selection menu from MoveShortcuts
⮝ Editor's Notes
Newsletter Credits
Written and initially formatted by marius851000#2522
Proofread and edited by Aviivix#2695
Did I miss anything? Feel free to open a github issue, contact me on Discord at marius851000#2522
, send me an email at
, or send me a message from an ActivityPub-compatible service (Mastodon) at