PMD ROM Hacking Weekly - June 13th, 2021
It's that time of the week again - ROM Hack updates and some exciting SkyTemple updates! Maybe you've already noticed, but we've got some changes to the layout of the newsletter we hope will make it easier to navigate. More about that in the Editor's Notes - for now, let's jump right into it!
Table of Contents
- Explorers ROM Hacking News
- New Community Assets
- Pokemon
- Other Graphics
- SkyTemple Changes
- Editor's Notes
⮝ Explorers ROM Hacking News
⮝ Explorers of Skies - Patch Released
Posted by staro on their Discord server:
So it seem's yesterday I boofed up and pushed out a release thinking an experimental new feature was going to work perfectly and it didn't. This led to crashes and frame drops for both emulator players and real hardware players. I apologize for any inconvenience, I should have done a third beta test before releasing. This new update remedies that and includes a few new bug fixes. Saves Should be alright to transfer over. You should update to this ASAP.
- Removed the ExpandPokeList and ChangeEvoSystem patches.
- Added Play Rough to Espurr and both Meowstics
- Fixed an issue with a Magmortor becoming the Aggron boss in Special Episode 4
- Fixed Move Stat Displays not working with two-turn moves.
staro has also released a changelog for the update to v.1.15.1. There is also a patch fixing issues for players using official hardware, as detailed by staro in a later post:
In case you play on real hardware and experience issues with Drenched Bluff, use this patch. (Emulator players don't need this, there are no new features except a bug fix)
post-publication update: yet another update for real hardware has also been released. "Also contains a slightly harder Steam Cave Groudon fight."
⮝ PMD Explorers Retold - Chapter 12 Uploaded
The twelfth chapter of PMD Explorers Retold has been uploaded to YouTube!
⮝ New Community Assets
Animated sprites in this section are animated PNG files. If animated sprites appear to be static images, make sure that your browser supports PNG animation. (Most modern browsers should display them just fine, though.)
⮝ Pokemon
Brionne by baronessfaron
Portrait AddedCutiefly by baronessfaron
Portrait AddedDiglett by Fearless-Quit
Portrait AddedDiglett Alternate by Fearless-Quit
Portrait AddedDrampa by baronessfaron
Portrait AddedElectrode by Phillips196
Portrait AddedElectrode Shiny by Phillips196
Portrait AddedGoodra by baronessfaron
Portrait AddedHatterene by DonkinDo
Portrait AddedHoopa Unbound by Murpi
Portrait AddedIgglybuff by DonkinDo
Portrait AddedIvysaur by Emmuffin
Portrait ChangedIvysaur Shiny by Emmuffin
Portrait AddedLurantis by baronessfaron
Portrait AddedMeloetta by Deleca7755
Portrait ChangedMeloetta by Murpi
Portrait AddedMeloetta Shiny by Deleca7755
Portrait AddedMeloetta Pirouette by Murpi
Portrait AddedPonyta by someone with the discord id <@!555360707617488904>
Portrait AddedRegice by CamusZekeSirius
Portrait AddedRegice Shiny by CamusZekeSirius
Portrait AddedRegidrago by CamusZekeSirius
Portrait AddedRoselia Alternate by DonkinDo
Sprite AddedSunflora by Pokenoice
Portrait Added
⮝ SkyTemple Changes
Parakoopa released a video preview of features planned for SkyTemple v.1.3.
⮝ New Features
- Committed by Xfix: SkyTemple has been packaged in Nixpkgs (unstable). The package is named
, though it's currently awaiting a fix for graph displays and patching. - Committed by Parakoopa: New scenes can now be added.
- Committed by Parakoopa: Trap and item images can now be imported and exported.
- Committed by Parakoopa: Various kinds of hardcoded data can now be edited. Specifically, this change allows for the editing of:
- Dungeon spawn rates
- Main menu music
- Text speed
- Minimum IQ required by enemies to have the Exclusive Move-User and/or Item Master IQ skills
- Amount of Belly points lost every turn - both normally and when walking through walls (Added in a separate commit)
- Intimidator activation chance
- Burn, poison, and bad poison damage delays
- Chance of Ginseng increasing a move's power by 3 instead of 1
- Committed by Parakoopa: The music that plays in a dungeon can now be changed to another existing track.
⮝ Fixes
- Committed by Parakoopa: Fixed animation importing.
- Committed by Parakoopa: Rest rooms will now render correctly in the editor.
⮝ Changes
- Committed by Parakoopa: Removed the debug assistant window (which displayed when the debugger started for the first time).
- Committed by Parakoopa: Improvemed the handler for adding events to scripts.
⮝ Screenshots

The Miscellaneous Settings menu, showcasing the new editable values.

The Dungeon Music menu, showcasing the ability to create four-track 'playlists' for random music within dungeons.

The GTK theme used in these screenshots is "Sweet-Dark".
⮝ Editor's Notes
Currently writing is the editor of the newsletter, Aviivix. ...So this is a bit of a facelift, huh? This week we've decided to bring some much-needed consistency and organization to this newsletter. Hopefully these changes will make this site easier to read and navigate, and make it more aesthetically pleasing.
Firstly - and probably most obviously - we've added a table of contents at the top! This will serve as both a quick overview of all the topics, as well as a quick way to jump to the news you're interested in. Next to each header is an arrow that you can click to take you back to the top as well. For shorter news like today's, this probably won't seem like much. But with busier news weeks, this quality-of-life feature may see some use! (Plus, this means you can now link to a specific section by copying the link from the Table of Contents!)
Second off, a bit of renaming. "Explorers Hacking" felt a little stilted to say, so we've made it a little more descriptive and hopefully a little more natural sounding by renaming the section to "Explorers ROM Hacking News"! We've also changed the "Sprites and Portraits" section to "New Community Assets". This change was to reflect SkyTemple's newer features like making custom tilesets, and to leave room for things like music or UI or anything else that can't quite be described as a "sprite".
Third, a bit of reordering. We've decided to move New Community Assets up above SkyTemple Changes, to keep all the community content together instead of sticking official SkyTemple stuff in between. As a happy side effect, this also has led to a much more condensed way of featuring sprite assets. This should make perusing the new creations a breeze compared to endlessly scrolling through stuff!
Did I miss anything? Feel free to open a github issue, contact me on Discord at marius851000#2522
, send me an email at
, or send me a message from an ActivityPub-compatible service (Mastodon) at
Newsletter Credits
Written and initially formatted by marius851000#2522
Proofread and edited by Aviivix#2695