News About Mystery Dungeon ROM-Hacking from 31/05/2021 to 06/06/2021
Did I miss anything? Feel free to open a github issue, contact me on Discord at marius851000#2522
, send me an email at
, or send me a message from an ActivityPub-compatible service (Mastodon) at
Proofread by Aviivix
I also made some changes to the site. Right now, I host this website using the free Azure credit offered by my school. I plan on getting my hands on a custom domain name (either paid or via, as well as possibly self hosting it via my Rasberry Pi for educational purposes.
Rescue Team Hacking
Video explaining the IA of RRT
AnonymousRandPerson published a video on Reddit explaining how the IA in Rescue Team works.
In addition, here are his notes:
Progress on PMD Red Rescue Team Decompilation
While I haven't made a list of exact changes yet, there seems to be a lot of progress in the PMD Red Rescue Team decompilation effort. Take a look if you're interested! For those unfamiliar with the concept, decompilation is the process of recreating the code of a game or other program based on released, 'compiled' data.
Explorers Hacking
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon 99 - Team Change
Alekemon first announced that Pokémon Mystery Dungeon 99 was cancelled, and then said it would be continued by Team Pika. Alekemon says he will be making PMD Hidden Explorers instead.
Alekemon, 4 months ago, about PMD 99:
Explorers of Sky... but different!
Every dungeon has 99 floors
Your Pokémon has to be Lvl 1 to enter
Sylveon added with moveset and stats but Normal-type (Credits: Fable:
Explorers of Hell Progress Update
Hi everyone! Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Hell is more than halfway through development! The game is still scheduled for September. Here are some news about the progress, V0.3 will be released next week for beta-testers, and very few news will be communicated from July.
New title screen.
All pokemon have now 2 abilities, even the legendary ones. It is either their secret ability or a new one. The goal is to have the best balance possible, so Blaziken will not have Speed Boost for example. In addition, each final form of Pokemon will learn several of its eggmoves by leveling up.
New special Pokemon will be recruitable thanks to the mystery part/secret slab, like Primal Dialga or Shiny Celebi.
A new special dungeon accessible after graduation, this one will allow you to meet and recruit pokemon gen 5 and more.
A Kangaskhan Rock in the Marowak Dojo with several options.
With the absence of special episodes in this game, Star Cave will be accessible after graduation.
There are still a lot of other features, don't hesitate to keep up to date with the latest news on the Babou's Guild server!
Explorers of Skies New Release
By staro
Yo! New Skies update -- it's 1.15!
New features:
- A postpost game dungeon that unlocks after defeating Darkrai -- The Magnagate! The Magnagate drastically changes every visit, no two runs will be the same! (Documented more in the Changelog)
- A new TM + Move: Infestation
- New Graphics:
- A new title screen
- A new Skies logo
- A new Skies banner for real hardware players
- New main menu background art by @fledermaus
- A new top screen stats background voted for by the Discord community
- New background for other top screens
- Custom Tilesets made by me for new dungeons:
- Infested Forest
- Nightfall Lake
- Sunny Beach
- Magnagate
- Forced ally buffs:
- Buffed both Future Grovyle and Hidden Land Grovyle
- Massively reworked Cresselia to no longer be useless, given buffs and a new moveset: Moonblast, Psychic, Psycho Cut and Energy Ball
- Streamlined Aegis Cave even more (See changelog)
- You can now recruit Pokemon in Beach Cave, Oblivion Forest, Treacherous Waters, Southeasten Islands and Inferno Cave.
- Readded Partner Skitty, rereplacing Female Espurr
- New move stat displays -- created by Irdkwia
- Important bug fixes (See changelog)
Some other things to note: The Discord has grown so much the past few weeks that I've been able to apply it for Discord Partnership! I've also added some channels for the community for speedrunning, pet channels and more! Thanks for the support and interest in the project.
post publication update: he later published a new version fixing some issue with this release: v1.15.1
another post publication update: There is a fix for Drenched Bluff with real hardware: download it here
PMD: Distant Connection in Development
By runway55
From a small Hack Jam project, PMD: Distant Connection is now officially in development along with a Discord server and a teaser trailer for what's to come from it! This hack will expand on the characters and the world that was featured in the Hack Jam, as well as actually having dungeons to go with it. This will be a long project and I look forward to the end result of what I create.
Teaser Trailer:
Discord Server:
Ass Cucumber's ROM Hack Disqualified Due to its Content
From the SkyTemple server
Hi! We as mod team have decided to disqualify John Cena and the Quest for the Undertale Orgy from the SkyTemple Hack Jam for breaking rule 6. We are sorry we have acted so slow on this and that this is happening after the jam is already over for one week. We will make sure to be more clear about rules in the future and to have a screening in place to prevent this from happening again.
We still appreciate the work Ass Cucumber put into this a lot! The hack will also remain in the submissions channel until after the jam. You can of course also still talk about it, as long as it doesn't break rule 6.
Aero's New Hack
Hi, this is Aero, i'd like to announce that i am starting on a new rom hack, it isnt difficulty this time.
Go through the hilarious journey and immerse yourself into things that are literally just memes.
(its still gonna be hard as fuck tho)
DonkinDo's New Discord Server
Since i have projects i like to have a place to update it, outside twitter. And also a place to talk with other developers, artists, musicians, etc. This place will feature stuff from Bug Fables Demake and PMD: Explorers of Sunlight.
Tempory New Icon for the SkyTemple Server
To celebrate LGBT Pride Month, Parakoopa temporarily changed the SkyTemple server's icon. The new icon was made by NeroIntruder based on the original SkyTemple server icon.
Online Patcher for Sky ROMs
tech-ticks made an online patcher for ROM hacks. It is targeted at hack-developers who want to use an online interface for users to patch their ROM files.
- Fixed by Parakoopa: Fixes importing with animations.
- Added by Parakoopa and tech-ticks: Allows users to edit the internal ROM name, ID, and localized titles, and to import and export the game icon.
- Added by Parakoopa: Allows users to add new levels.
- Updated by Parakoopa: Lists empty scenes in the UI.
- Added by Parakoopa: Allows users to add new map backgrounds.
- Added by Parakoopa: Allows users to edit the level list.
- Added by Parakoopa: Allows users to map dungeon tilesets to overworld floors.
SkyTemple Merch
From Parakoopa
Alright, so just for fun we have a little merch shop open for a few days haha - currently only the Duskako design is available, the SkyTemple logo is still being approved. Have any other ideas for it? Let me know!
New Commission Listing Page
I finally added a page to the site listing available commissions. You can access it here. It also features an updated commission sheet for Emuffin.
TilesetCollab when?
Staro shared two new tilesets in the #custom-resources channel of their Discord server that can be imported with SkyTemple. There are other tilesets featured in that channel too!
Staro requires credit if you use these tilesets, or any of their resources.
I also made a page listing tilesets I've found with permission (although currently all tilesets listed there are by Staro).
Nightfall Lake
Sunny Beach
Sprites and Portraits
Editor's Note: I've finally added support for animated sprites. (It was easier than expected!) Enjoy, though hopefully it doesn't make this newsletter too long.
Sprites are animated PNG files. If sprites don't appear animated to you, check to make sure your browser supports animated PNG. (Though most modern browsers should.)
This first image is not part of SpriteCollab, but I wanted to feature it anyway since the art is just stellar!
Remukko portraits by Remukko
Give them some love over on their Twitter post!
Phillips196 added 13 and changed 6 portraits for Haunter
old -> new
Phillips196 added 13 and changed 6 portraits for Haunter Shiny
old -> new
Phillips196 added 13 and changed 7 portraits for Gengar
old -> new
Phillips196 added 13 and changed 7 portraits for Gengar Shiny
old -> new
"motherhenna(Helen)" added 15 and changed the Normal portraits for Dragonite
old -> new
Someone with the (discord) id @!182636701460594688 added 14 and changed the Happy and Normal portraits for Ampharos
old -> new
Murpi added 15 portrait for Kricketune Shiny
DonkinDo added the Special2 and changed the Happy, Inspired, Normal and Special1 portraits for Vespiquen
old -> new
baronessfaron added 16 and changed the Normal portraits for Cresselia
old -> new
baronessfaron changed 17 portrait for Cresselia Shiny
old -> new
baronessfaron added 16 portrait for Cresselia Shiny
Emmuffin added 22 and changed 12 sprites kinds for Phione
new Cringe animation
new DeepBreath animation
new Eat animation
new EventSleep animation
new Faint animation
new Float animation
new Head animation
new HitGround animation
new Laying animation
new LeapForth animation
new LookUp animation
new LostBalance animation
new Nod animation
new Pain animation
new Pose animation
new Pull animation
new Sink animation
new Sit animation
new Trip animation
new Tumble animation
new TumbleBack animation
new Wake animation
changed Attack animation (old -> new)
changed Charge animation (old -> new)
changed Double animation (old -> new)
changed Hop animation (old -> new)
changed Hurt animation (old -> new)
changed Idle animation (old -> new)
changed Rotate animation (old -> new)
changed Shoot animation (old -> new)
changed Sleep animation (old -> new)
changed Swing animation (old -> new)
changed Twirl animation (old -> new)
changed Walk animation (old -> new)
Emmuffin added 22 and changed 12 sprites kinds for Phione Shiny
new Cringe animation
new DeepBreath animation
new Eat animation
new EventSleep animation
new Faint animation
new Float animation
new Head animation
new HitGround animation
new Laying animation
new LeapForth animation
new LookUp animation
new LostBalance animation
new Nod animation
new Pain animation
new Pose animation
new Pull animation
new Sink animation
new Sit animation
new Trip animation
new Tumble animation
new TumbleBack animation
new Wake animation
changed Attack animation (old -> new)
changed Charge animation (old -> new)
changed Double animation (old -> new)
changed Hop animation (old -> new)
changed Hurt animation (old -> new)
changed Idle animation (old -> new)
changed Rotate animation (old -> new)
changed Shoot animation (old -> new)
changed Sleep animation (old -> new)
changed Swing animation (old -> new)
changed Twirl animation (old -> new)
changed Walk animation (old -> new)
Emmuffin added 16 portrait for Tepig Shiny
Emmuffin added 33 sprite kind for Oshawott Shiny
new Attack animation
new Charge animation
new Cringe animation
new DeepBreath animation
new Double animation
new Eat animation
new EventSleep animation
new Faint animation
new Float animation
new Head animation
new HitGround animation
new Hop animation
new Hurt animation
new Idle animation
new Laying animation
new LeapForth animation
new LookUp animation
new LostBalance animation
new Nod animation
new Pain animation
new Pose animation
new Pull animation
new Rotate animation
new Shoot animation
new Sink animation
new Sit animation
new Sleep animation
new Swing animation
new Trip animation
new Tumble animation
new TumbleBack animation
new Wake animation
new Walk animation
Emmuffin added 16 portrait for Oshawott Shiny
LegendaryPhoenix added the Normal portrait for Dewott Shiny
powercristal added 11 sprite kind for Trubbish
new Attack animation
new Charge animation
new Double animation
new Hop animation
new Hurt animation
new Idle animation
new Rotate animation
new Sleep animation
new Swing animation
new Walk animation
new Withdraw animation
baronessfaron added 12 sprite kind for Deerling
new Attack animation
new Charge animation
new Double animation
new Hop animation
new Hurt animation
new Idle animation
new RearUp animation
new Rotate animation
new Shoot animation
new Sleep animation
new Swing animation
new Walk animation
baronessfaron added 15 and changed the Normal portraits for Deerling
old -> new
Murpi changed the Normal portrait for Meloetta
old -> new
Murpi changed the Normal portrait for Meloetta Pirouette
old -> new
Murpi added the Normal portrait for Meloetta Pirouette
Emmuffin added 33 sprite kind for Chespin Shiny
new Attack animation
new Charge animation
new Cringe animation
new DeepBreath animation
new Double animation
new Eat animation
new EventSleep animation
new Faint animation
new Float animation
new Head animation
new HitGround animation
new Hop animation
new Hurt animation
new Idle animation
new Laying animation
new LeapForth animation
new LookUp animation
new LostBalance animation
new Nod animation
new Pain animation
new Pose animation
new Pull animation
new Rotate animation
new Shoot animation
new Sink animation
new Sit animation
new Sleep animation
new Swing animation
new Trip animation
new Tumble animation
new TumbleBack animation
new Wake animation
new Walk animation
Emmuffin added 15 and changed the Normal portraits for Chespin Shiny
old -> new
Emmuffin added 11 sprite kind for Braixen
new Appeal animation
new Attack animation
new Charge animation
new Double animation
new Hop animation
new Hurt animation
new Idle animation
new Rotate animation
new Sleep animation
new Swing animation
new Walk animation
Emmuffin added 15 and changed the Normal portraits for Froakie Shiny
old -> new
DonkinDo added 22 sprite kind for Honedge
new Cringe animation
new DeepBreath animation
new Eat animation
new EventSleep animation
new Faint animation
new Float animation
new Head animation
new HitGround animation
new Laying animation
new LeapForth animation
new LookUp animation
new LostBalance animation
new Nod animation
new Pain animation
new Pose animation
new Pull animation
new Sink animation
new Sit animation
new Trip animation
new Tumble animation
new TumbleBack animation
new Wake animation
Emmuffin added 33 sprite kind for Amaura
new Attack animation
new Charge animation
new Cringe animation
new DeepBreath animation
new Double animation
new Eat animation
new EventSleep animation
new Faint animation
new Float animation
new Head animation
new HitGround animation
new Hop animation
new Hurt animation
new Idle animation
new Laying animation
new LeapForth animation
new LookUp animation
new LostBalance animation
new Nod animation
new Pain animation
new Pose animation
new Pull animation
new Rotate animation
new Shoot animation
new Sink animation
new Sit animation
new Sleep animation
new Swing animation
new Trip animation
new Tumble animation
new TumbleBack animation
new Wake animation
new Walk animation
Emmuffin added 12 sprite kind for Aurorus
new Attack animation
new Charge animation
new Double animation
new Hop animation
new Hurt animation
new Idle animation
new RearUp animation
new Rotate animation
new Shoot animation
new Sleep animation
new Swing animation
new Walk animation
baronessfaron added the Normal portrait for Sliggoo
DonkinDo added 35 sprite kind for Noibat
new Attack animation
new Charge animation
new Cringe animation
new DeepBreath animation
new Double animation
new Eat animation
new EventSleep animation
new Faint animation
new Fainted animation
new Float animation
new Head animation
new HitGround animation
new Hop animation
new Hover animation
new Hurt animation
new Idle animation
new Laying animation
new LeapForth animation
new LookUp animation
new LostBalance animation
new Nod animation
new Pain animation
new Pose animation
new Pull animation
new Rotate animation
new Shoot animation
new Sink animation
new Sit animation
new Sleep animation
new Swing animation
new Trip animation
new Tumble animation
new TumbleBack animation
new Wake animation
new Walk animation
Murpi added the Normal portrait for Hoopa
CryptoIllogical added the Normal portrait for Xurkitree
CryptoIllogical added 34 sprite kind for Yamper
new Attack animation
new Charge animation
new Cringe animation
new DeepBreath animation
new Double animation
new Eat animation
new EventSleep animation
new Faint animation
new Float animation
new Head animation
new HitGround animation
new Hop animation
new Hurt animation
new Idle animation
new Laying animation
new LeapForth animation
new LookUp animation
new LostBalance animation
new Nod animation
new Pain animation
new Pose animation
new Pull animation
new Rotate animation
new Shock animation
new Shoot animation
new Sink animation
new Sit animation
new Sleep animation
new Swing animation
new Trip animation
new Tumble animation
new TumbleBack animation
new Wake animation
new Walk animation
CryptoIllogical added 34 sprite kind for Yamper Shiny
new Attack animation
new Charge animation
new Cringe animation
new DeepBreath animation
new Double animation
new Eat animation
new EventSleep animation
new Faint animation
new Float animation
new Head animation
new HitGround animation
new Hop animation
new Hurt animation
new Idle animation
new Laying animation
new LeapForth animation
new LookUp animation
new LostBalance animation
new Nod animation
new Pain animation
new Pose animation
new Pull animation
new Rotate animation
new Shock animation
new Shoot animation
new Sink animation
new Sit animation
new Sleep animation
new Swing animation
new Trip animation
new Tumble animation
new TumbleBack animation
new Wake animation
new Walk animation