news about mystery dungeon rom-hacking from 17/05/2021 to 23/05/2021
Did I miss anything? Feel free to open a github issue, contact me on Discord at marius851000#2522
, send me an email at
, or send me a message from an ActivityPub-compatible service (Mastodon) at
Explorers Hacking
Explorers of Hell - Progress update
Hello everyone ! Here is some news about Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Hell.
- After recruiting Dialga and Palkia, you will be able to revisit the Future Dungeons and The Nightmare (Azurill's Brain in PMD: Hell)
- Arceus will be recruitable in the Destiny Tower (Tower of God in PMD: Hell)
- New items will appear in the Kecleon store
- The text speed has been multiplied by 4.
- In the basic game, pokemons appear every 36 turns. Here, they will appear every 12 turns, so expect to face 3x more enemies in dungeons.
- All moves have received some changes. Most have received a PP buff, and some have received nerfs. Here are some changes:
- Air Slash hits the whole room
- Bullet Seed and Pin Missile no longer hit from a distance
- Thunder hits around the user like Thunderbolt
- Protect 10 PP -> 7 PP
- Light Screen and Reflect have effect on all allies in the room
- Agility 22 PP -> 8 PP
- A new dungeon : Shiny Resort, allowing you to see all news shinys without being able to recruit them
And many other things! To be aware of new information or simply ask questions and interact, you can join the server :
Explorer of Skies - new release
This is by far Skies biggest update yet! It's hard to include everything with just a short hook, so make sure you read the changelogs this time!
New features: - Two new postpost game events - Recruiting Dialga will allow you to revisit the Future -- Where you can find a Shiny Celebi! - Recruiting Palkia will allow you to visit the "Far Away" dungeons - 7 New dungeons -- Enchanted Meadows, Nightfall Lake, Infested Forest, Prehistoric Preserve, Echo Park, Sunny Beach and Basalt Karst * All with unique themes with the intention of being a series of post-Dark Crater challenge dungeons that DON'T have special restrictions. - 5 new Pokemon (Technically 6): * Victini * Galarian Corsola * Cursola * Espurr * Meowstic (Male and Female) - A new partner Pokemon -- Espurr -- Female Espurr replaces partner Skitty and Male Espurr replaces Meowth - A completely reworked Marowak Dojo system, should be balanced for all stages of the game. - Added a one-way quick tunnel from Sharpedo Bluff to Crossroads (Like in RTDX!) - Kangaskhan Rocks added into the Dojo Hub and Spinda Cafe - Graduating now unlocks all optional dungeons - Beating Dark Crater now unlocks all Seven Treasure dungeons - Increased text speed (By 4x!) - Purple Kecleon - Updated move animations for brand new moves - Added weather abilities to Pokemon like Pelipper and Ninetales - Nerfed those pesky Perish Songs -- Only room wide instead of floor wide now! - Better Rescue Jobs in optional dungeons - Sped up Xatu's unboxing - Added helpful controls on the top screen for new players learning how to use Move Shortcuts and Complete Team Control - White frames! - A better looking changelog - LOTS of bug fixes
Here is the link to the patch and the link to the changelog (as long as usual).
The 3 first line of the changelog state :
FYI: This is by far the biggest update yet. I would recommend restarting with a new save, however this isn't mandatory or won't cause major issues (Just delete the now blank Moonblast move from any Pokemon you've recruited that may have it)
Seriously, this is a BIG update. I really recommend reading the "New This Update" and "Bug Fixes" section. (Besides, I work hard on this thing)
Additionally, the reason this update took so long to get out is because I released the first half of it as a beta-test for my Discord members, thank you to everyone who beta tested and helped me fix important bugs before releasing such a massive update.
SkyTemple Hack Jam - Still ongoing
The hack jam is still ongoing!
As a reminder, the topic is "An Unlikely Team" with the gimmick, "Have a Pokémon not present in the base game take an important role."
The last week, deadline were extended to May 28th 4pm UTC (one extra week).
SkyTemple - Bugfixes and planning
SkyTemple 1.2.3 Download:
Bugfixes: - Fixed a corruption bug when applying the patch ExtractHardcodedItemLists after ExtractDungeonData (thanks to Irdkwia)
Parakoopa also made an announcement targeting beta testers and skytemple contributors.
Hey! I'm currently planning SkyTemple 2.2. I want to make it all about editing minor things you currently need a hex editor for + editing the level list.
I made a project on Github:
Are there more things that I might have missed? Tell me here and I'll add them or create an issue on Github directly.
new sprites and portrait
- Murpi added 15 and changed the Normal portraits for Rattata Female
- "motherhenna(Helen)" changed 7 portrait for Jolteon
- Murpi added 15 and changed the Normal portraits for Ledyba Female
- Murpi added 15 and changed the Normal portraits for Ledyba Shiny
- Murpi added 15 portrait for Ledyba Shiny Female
- Murpi changed the Sigh portrait for Ledian Female
- Murpi added 15 and changed the Normal portraits for Ledian Female
- Murpi added 15 portrait for Ledian Shiny Female
- Murpi added 15 and changed the Normal portraits for Aipom Female
- Murpi added 16 and changed the Normal portraits for Wooper Female
- Murpi added 15 and changed the Normal portraits for Murkrow Female
- Nooga changed the Normal portrait for Blaziken Shiny
- Nooga changed the Normal portrait for Blaziken Shiny Female
- Palika changed the Happy, Joyous, Shouting and Sigh portrait for Tropius
- DonkinDo added 15 and changed the Normal portraits for Tropius
- Emmuffin added 15 and changed the Normal portraits for Krokorok
- Emmuffin added 16 portrait for Krokorok Shiny
- DonkinDo added 33 sprite kind for Vanillite Shiny
- Emmuffin changed the Pain sprite kind for Fennekin
- Emmuffin added 18 and changed 15 sprites kinds for Fennekin
- Emmuffin added 15 and changed the Normal portraits for Braixen
- Emmuffin added 15 and changed the Normal portraits for Braixen Shiny
- DonkinDo added 11 sprite kind for Honedge
- DonkinDo added the Normal portrait for Honedge Alternate
- Noivern added the Normal portrait for Bergmite
- Emmuffin added 15 and changed the Normal portraits for Lycanroc
- Emmuffin added 15 and changed the Normal portraits for Lycanroc Shiny
- DonkinDo added 11 sprite kind for Salazzle
- Emmuffin added 16 and changed the Normal portraits for Raboot
- Emmuffin added 16 and changed the Normal portraits for Raboot Shiny