news about mystery dungeon rom-hacking from 3/05/2021 to 9/05/2021
Did I missed anything ? feel free to open a github issue, contact me on discord at marius851000#2522
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explorer hacking
explorers of hell
by babou on his server
Hi everyone here is some news about Pokemon Mystery Dungeon : Explorers of Hell. The game is progressing very well, the release could be around September.
The Fairy type and the new weaknesses to the steel type from the 6th generation have been added.
New Pokemon : Arceus, Vulpix Alola (starter), Ninetales Alola and Sylveon.
Some pokemon will be able to appear shiny and will be recruitable. They will be available on a single floor of some dungeons. There are 10 : Umbreon, Metagross, Gardevoir, Charizard, Sableye, Flygon, Luxray, Milotic, Magikarp, Gyarados.
The effect of some attacks has been changed. For example, Air Slash hits the whole room, Knock Off deals damage, Howl affects all allies, and many other changes and adjustments.
The purchase and sale prices of some items have been changed. For example, the Reviver Seed will cost 1200 instead of 800.
In some dungeons, if a Pokemon knocks out one of your allies, it will evolve.
You will be able to freely change your starter after the personality quiz if you don't like it.
A lot of other new features are coming, to follow all this, go to the server
Explorers Abridged
A video of the chapter 4 was shared.
skytemple community
- There is now a skytemple tweeter account
skytemple hack jam
TLDR: the topic is An Unlikely Team with the gimmick Have a Pokémon not present in the base game take an important role.
Deadline is May 21st 4pm UTC.
Submissions rules: - Only submit when you are done. Do not make any changes after submitting. - Submissions must contain one XDelta patch for the clean US ROM (not 'Xenophobia'!) or clean EU ROM and must state for which region they are. - Submissions must have a short description of what the hack is about. - Submissions must either have one video showcasing the hack or three screenshots. - Submissions must contain Discord mentions for all people that worked on the hack. - Each person can only submit one hack.
General Jam rules: - The topic of the jam is An Unlikely Team. We need to see this interpreted in your game somehow. - The gimmick of this jam is Have a Pokémon not present in the base game take an important role. You should really try to include this in your game. - There are multiple categories your hack can receive awards for (see below). - A team of volunteers judges the hacks for each category. - Hacks must be first submitted for the jam / made for it. - There is no minimum length, but it must be playable, meaning by selecting "New Game" it starts. - The games must be in English.
Award categories: - Best Hack - Best Use of Topic - Best Use of Gimmick - Best Gameplay - Best Narrative - Best Cutscene - Best Dungeon Design - Best Custom Graphics - Most Unique / Creative
Prize: Each award is worth 30GP; "Best Hack" is worth 60GP.
- emmuffin#2837 shared her commision sheet
While I'm here, and paid work is a serious subject, I'll also put older commition sheet :
Extra notes: - Portraits for a Pokemon with an existing Normal portrait are $12 each. - Giving an existing Pokemon the full set of animations a normal starter has would be around $300. This includes all 22 animations, offsets, and the xml file. It's a lot of work! - Questions? Feel free to message me
DunkingDucks#9030 (aka DonkinDo)
Well, i do spriting, i'm more experienced in FE and PMD but if need something else, can help (with reduced price of course, because of the inexperience)
Wyvernagon#8227 (aka Triss/Wyverna)
PMD Body Sprites 35$/ PMD Portrait Sprites $30 twitter thread commision link
I was unable to find a commision sheet, so instead here you have one of her spritesheet
rom hacking via git
marius851000 (that's me) made a tool that allow you to use git for collaboration on pmd rom-hacking. youtube video guide
MaxSchersey made two video guide. New tutorials up for the hack jam! Since you'll be adding a new Pokemon to the game in this one, I made a video on how to do that.
And also how to create custom start/end points. Very helpful for differentiating from the standard Explorers of Sky boundaries.
skytemple version 1.2.1 released
Bugfixes: - Fixed corruption of the portrait file when deleting portraits (thanks to @Irdkwia) - Fixed that the exclusive properties for the first item weren't editable (thanks to @Irdkwia) - Fixed Discord Presence for Item and Move Editors - Fixed Poké and Link Boxes not being added correctly to item lists when their categories were added - Mac: Fixed DeSmuME not working - Fixed export of floors creating invalid files & copy to other floors not working
the following librairies where also bumbed: - skytemple-ssb-debugger to 1.2.1 - skytemple-files to 1.2.2
Asmeditor has been updated to version 0.2.2. - The type and value range of default values of variables is now validated - All integer values can now be used as constant inputs (previously, only values that could be represented as bit-shifted intermediates could be used)
new sprites and portrait
- Miju added the Determined, Special0 and Surprised and changed the Angry, Happy, Normal and Pain portraits for Blastoise
- DonkinDo added 22 and changed 11 sprites kinds for Farfetch_d Galar
- DonkinDo added 11 sprite kind for Farfetch_d Galar
- DonkinDo added 15 and changed the Normal portraits for Rhydon Female
- "motherhenna(Helen)" added 15 and changed the Normal portraits for Jolteon
- CamusZekeSirius changed 17 portrait for Ho_Oh Shiny
- 0palite added 15 and changed the Normal portraits for Sceptile
- 0palite added the Normal portrait for Sceptile Mega
- CHUNSOFT added 21 sprite kind for Dialga Primal
- CamusZekeSirius changed 17 portrait for Giratina Shiny
- CamusZekeSirius changed 17 portrait for Giratina Origin Shiny
- DonkinDo added 17 and changed the Normal portraits for Gothorita
- DonkinDo added 13 sprite kind for Axew
- Emmuffin changed 34 sprite kind for Skiddo
- Emmuffin added 34 sprite kind for Skiddo Shiny
- Aviivix added the Normal portrait for Furfrou
- baronessfaron added the Normal and Normal^ portrait for Swirlix
- Emmuffin added 16 portrait for Amaura
- Emmuffin added 16 portrait for Amaura Shiny
- Emmuffin added 16 portrait for Aurorus
- baronessfaron added the Normal portrait for Phantump
- baronessfaron added the Normal and Normal^ portrait for Pumpkaboo
- Aviivix added the Normal portrait for Toucannon
- Aviivix added the Normal portrait for Mareanie
- Emmuffin added 34 sprite kind for Fomantis Shiny
- Emmuffin added 10 sprite kind for Sandygast Shiny
- DonkinDo added the Normal portrait for Kartana
- EzerArt added the Normal portrait for Cursola
- CamusZekeSirius added 17 and changed the Normal portraits for Regieleki
- CamusZekeSirius added 18 portrait for Regieleki Shiny