news about mystery dungeon rom-hacking from 19/04/2021 to 25/04/2021
Did I missed anything ? feel free to open a github issue, contact me on discord at marius851000#2522
, send me a mail at
, or send me a message from an activitypub compatible service (mastodon) at
explorer hacking
Explorers of sunlight
- Wyvernagon/Serpentriss made a menu art for the hack. (the full picture can be seen in the linked tweet or this reddit post).
Update: A special cutscene is almost complete! (legit 2 things left to do)
Work on Post-Game soon to be in progress! (You'll hate love what ideas i've come up with!)
Still missing portraits for: meditite/shuppet/shieldon/ponyta/spearow/combee/seedot... (If some amazing portrait drawers could get work done with that i'd be ever greatful)
explorer of skies
It's been two weeks since the last update and I have a new one ready! This is the biggest mechanically game-changing update yet!
It features: - New moves with custom animations! - 10+ new Fairy Type moves - 7 Brand-Spanking new TMs - Weather Trio signature moves (Origin Pulse, Precipice Blades and Dragon Ascent) - Moves from future generations (Bulldoze, Petal Blizzard, High Horsepower, etc.) - Unused moves like Excavate and Spin Slash. - Revamped Rank-Up Rewards - Chikorita, Phanpy and Bulbasaur buffs - Move buffs, nerfs and changes - New custom frames - And bug fixes
I put a lot of time into this update in particular and I hope you enjoy!
link added by newsletter author
- changelog link (as long as usual)
- patch download link
- project pokemon page
- Irdkwia fixed the AddExperienceSharePatch
- Prevents the Special Episode team (slots 2 to 4) from gaining exp when not in special episode
- Joy Seeds / Golden Seeds at Spinda bar now adds 1/5 levels to the actual level the Pokémon should have from its current exp. and levels up the Pokémon to that level instead of just giving plain 1/5 levels and resetting their exp. points to that level
new sprites and portrait
- Someone with the (discord) id @!299261889169588246 added 15 portrait for Beedrill Shiny
- Mojo added 15 portrait for Jigglypuff Shiny
- baronessfaron added 11 and changed the Angry, Happy, Normal, Pain and Worried portraits for Flareon
- 0palite added 15 and changed the Normal portraits for Typhlosion
- Noivern changed the Normal portrait for Wooper Beta
- Noivern added the Normal portrait for Wooper Beta
- DonkinDo added 22 and changed 11 sprites kinds for Larvitar
- Emmuffin added 16 and changed the Normal portraits for Larvitar
- DonkinDo added 22 and changed 11 sprites kinds for Larvitar Shiny
- Emmuffin added 16 portrait for Larvitar Shiny
- Someone with the (discord) id @!177522243985866754 added 13 sprite kind for Lugia Shadow
- Mr_L added 13 sprite kind for Lugia Shadow Shiny
- 0palite added the Happy and Joyous and changed the Normal portraits for Crawdaunt
- 0palite added the Happy and Joyous portrait for Crawdaunt Shiny
- Mojo added 15 and changed the Normal portraits for Happiny
- Mojo added 15 portrait for Happiny Shiny
- Wyvernagon added 11 sprite kind for Stoutland
- DonkinDo added 14 sprite kind for Audino
- Someone with the (discord) id @!340299853345325056 added the Happy, Joyous, Sigh, Stunned and Worried portrait for Chandelure
- baronessfaron added the Normal portrait for Flabebe
- Emmuffin added 34 sprite kind for Skiddo
- NeroIntruder added 35 sprite kind for Espurr
- NeroIntruder added 13 sprite kind for Meowstic
- NeroIntruder added 13 sprite kind for Meowstic Female
- baronessfaron added the Normal portrait for Spritzee
- baronessfaron added the Normal portrait for Diancie
- DonkinDo changed 16 portrait for Rockruff
- Emmuffin added 34 sprite kind for Fomantis
- DonkinDo added 11 and changed the Angry, Happy, Normal, Pain and Worried portraits for Steenee
- Emmuffin added 10 sprite kind for Sandygast
- Smalusion added the Attack, Idle and Walk sprite kind for Thievul
- DonkinDo added 22 sprite kind for Wooloo
- DonkinDo added 11 sprite kind for Applin
- DonkinDo added 12 sprite kind for Cursola