news about mystery dungeon rom-hacking from 12/04/2021 to 18/04/2021
Did I missed anything ? feel free to open a github issue, contact me on discord at marius851000#2522
, send me a mail at
, or send me a message from an activitypub compatible service (mastodon) at
rescue team DX
tech_ticks reimplemented the Sentry Duty minigame in RT:DX
explorer hacking
pmd retold
- Episode 10 has been published.
- Parakoopa added an UI for move editing.
- Parakoopa Reworked item lists to read dynamically from config.
- Parakoopa made new content translatable.
- Parakoopa made the change "moves: Condition 1 check".
- Parakoopa make fixes for moves
- Parakoopa reworked mappa item lists to be able to read from PMD2 config / ROM
- Parakoopa added illustrations for Items and Moves (and updated the discord link)
- Emmuffin and DonkinDo are making a double sprite collab! Help them choose a matching evolutionary line for them to sprite in this poll!
new sprites and portrait
- DonkinDo added 34 sprite kind for Ponyta Galar Shiny
- DonkinDo added 14 sprite kind for Emolga
- Noivern changed the Normal portrait for Pawniard
- Noivern added the Normal portrait for Avalugg
- Emmuffin added 16 portrait for Palossand
- Emmuffin added 16 portrait for Palossand Shiny
- Emmuffin added 13 sprite kind for Togedemaru
- Emmuffin added 13 sprite kind for Togedemaru Shiny
- Noivern changed the Normal portrait for Nihilego
- Emmuffin added 12 sprite kind for Wooloo
- Emmuffin added 16 portrait for Wooloo
- Emmuffin added 12 sprite kind for Wooloo Shiny
- Emmuffin added 16 portrait for Wooloo Shiny
- baronessfaron changed the Normal and Normal^ portrait for Hattrem
- baronessfaron added the Normal and Normal^ portrait for Hattrem