news about mystery dungeon rom-hacking from 22/02/2021 to 10/03/2021
from marius851000: I think I'll try to add more image, to make this a bit less... text wall like. note from marius851000: I should made something that could track git commit in many repo...
rescue team DX hacking
- tech-ticks started working on a tool to implement custom hooks in rescue team DX, based upon starlight.
explorer hacking
- explorer of alpha was added to the list of hacks in skytemple
- Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Dark Destiny was added to the list of hacks (WIP)
- Explorers of Skies was added to the list of mod (WIP)
- Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Exploradores dos Céus was added to the list of mods (translation in Brazilian Portuguese)
- dede6giu and Wangaloide being a bit slow, they published a WIP patch. It include some of the early game text, including the full chapter 1, as well as some chapter 2 and 3.
- chapter 7 and chapter 8 of PMD Retold were published.
- babou created a personal discord, where he will post update to Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorer of Hell, as well as unrelated talking/playing
- he also shared a twitter post showing some progress in the form of screenshot.
- skyhard now have a dedicated server.
Note: too minor change are ignored
- the server now have a channel per language for translation effort (for spanish, deutch, french and chinese).
- a bunch of typos has been fixed.
- you can now delete icon.
- you can now edit, change and inject binary code for move and object effect. This also allow to edit possible metronome's moves.
Keep in mind that custom effect need to be written in assembly, a difficult, really low level programming language.
- you can now import a spritesheet stored in a zip file
- SkyTemple should now be able to run on 32 bits (x86) computer
- Aegis cave are no longer randomized
- seed information are displayed on top menu screen (of the game)
- release candidate 1 for version 1.0.6 has been release
- a new NPC has been added containing information about the randomized game. see this reddit post for a video visualisation
- fixed some chapter name not being randomized
version 1.0.6 has been released. Official changelog
New features:
- The version and seed is now shown on the title screen
- On the Crossroads map two NPCs give your additional information about the settings used and provide credits for artists and patch creators (#29, #30).
- Complete Team Control patch by @Jirt added: Manually control your teammates in dungeons! Has to be manually enabled.
Fixes and Improvements:
- New compression algorithm for portraits and other optimizations to hopelfully allow more custom portraits to work (by @Irdkwia)
- Shaymin no longer spawns in Sky Peak (#28)
- Aegis Cave is no longer randomized by default (#26)
- Press CTRL+Space to get debugging information about portrait downloads
version 1.0.7 was also released, fixing a crash at the end of the randomization that often occurred under Windows.
change/addition in SpriteCollab
(that's indeed 140 changes...)
- Emmuffin added 16 portraits for Sandygast Shiny.
- Emmuffin added 15 portraits and changed the normal portrait for Sandygast.
- Emmuffin added 15 portraits and changed the normal portrait for Nuzleaf Shiny.
- Emmuffin added 15 portraits and changed the normal portrait for Nuzleaf.
- Fable added 16 portraits and changed the normal portrait for Porygon_Z Shiny.
- Fable added 16 portraits and changed the normal portrait for Porygon_Z.
- CryptoIllogical changed the crying, pain, sigh, stunned and surprised portraits for Furret.
- CamusZekeSirius added the normal portrait for Arceus Steel.
- CamusZekeSirius added the normal portrait for Arceus Fairy.
- CamusZekeSirius added the normal portrait for Arceus Water.
- CamusZekeSirius added the normal portrait for Arceus Rock.
- CamusZekeSirius added the normal portrait for Arceus Psychic.
- CamusZekeSirius added the normal portrait for Arceus Ghost.
- CamusZekeSirius added the normal portrait for Arceus Ice.
- CamusZekeSirius added the normal portrait for Arceus Poison.
- CamusZekeSirius added the normal portrait for Arceus Ground.
- CamusZekeSirius added the normal portrait for Arceus Grass.
- CamusZekeSirius added the normal portrait for Arceus Flying.
- CamusZekeSirius added the normal portrait for Arceus Fire.
- CamusZekeSirius added the normal portrait for Arceus Fighting.
- CamusZekeSirius added the normal portrait for Arceus Electric.
- CamusZekeSirius added the normal portrait for Arceus Dragon.
- CamusZekeSirius added the normal portrait for Arceus Dark.
- CamusZekeSirius added the normal portrait for Arceus Bug.
- CryptoIllogical added 17 portraits and changed the normal portrait for Furret.
- Emmuffin added 30 portraits and changed the normal and normal^ portraits for Cherrim Shiny.
- Emmuffin added 30 portraits and changed the normal and normal^ portraits for Cherrim.
- Emmuffin added 15 portraits and changed the normal portrait for Cherrim Sunshine Shiny.
- Emmuffin added 15 portraits and changed the normal portrait for Cherrim Sunshine.
- DonkinDo added 99 sprites for Mienfoo.
- Emmuffin added 15 portraits and changed the normal portrait for Spoink Shiny.
- Emmuffin added 15 portraits and changed the normal portrait for Spoink.
- Emmuffin added 15 portraits for Spheal Shiny.
- Emmuffin added 15 portraits and changed the normal portrait for Spheal.
- Nooga added 16 portraits for Terrakion Shiny.
- Nooga added 15 portraits and changed the normal portrait for Terrakion.
- Nooga added 13 portraits for Kecleon Purple Shiny.
- Nooga added the determined, dizzy, sigh and stunned portraits for Cubone Shiny.
- Nooga added 15 portraits for Camerupt Shiny.
- Nooga added 13 portraits for Kecleon Purple.
- Nooga added 13 portraits for Kecleon Shiny.
- Nooga added 15 portraits for Vibrava Shiny.
- Nooga added 7 portraits and changed 10 portraits for Shaymin Shiny.
- Nooga added the angry, determined, dizzy, inspired, joyous and pain portraits for Wigglytuff Shiny.
- Nooga added 15 portraits for Ditto Shiny.
- Nooga added 15 portraits and changed the normal portrait for Voltorb Shiny.
- Nooga added the determined, dizzy, sigh and stunned portraits and changed 8 portraits for Psyduck Shiny.
- Nooga added 14 portraits and changed the surprised portrait for Nidoking Shiny.
- DonkinDo changed 7 portraits for Nidoking.
- Nooga added 16 portraits for Virizion Shiny.
- Nooga added 16 portraits for Cobalion Shiny.
- Emmuffin added 15 portraits and changed the normal portrait for Butterfree Shiny.
- Nooga added 15 portraits and changed the normal portrait for Cobalion.
- Emmuffin added 15 portraits and changed the normal portrait for Butterfree.
- Emmuffin added 17 portraits for Rowlet Shiny.
- Emmuffin added 17 portraits for Rowlet.
- the user with the discord id @!589906152708505648 changed 19 portraits for Magmortar.
- CamusZekeSirius added the special1 portrait and changed the teary-eyed portrait for Rayquaza Shiny.
- CamusZekeSirius added the special1 portrait and changed 14 portraits for Rayquaza.
- the user with the discord id @!276175146304405514 added 15 portraits and changed the normal portrait for Venusaur.
- Emmuffin added 15 portraits and changed the normal portrait for Numel Shiny.
- Emmuffin added 15 portraits and changed the normal portrait for Numel.
- the user with the discord id @!474262233442942995 added 16 portraits for Gabite Female Shiny.
- the user with the discord id @!474262233442942995 added 15 portraits and changed the normal portrait for Gabite Shiny.
- Emmuffin added 15 portraits for Shuckle Shiny.
- the user with the discord id @!474262233442942995 added 16 portraits for Gabite Female.
- the user with the discord id @!474262233442942995 added 15 portraits and changed the normal portrait for Gabite.
- Emmuffin added 17 portraits for Appletun Shiny.
- Emmuffin added 15 portraits and changed the normal portrait for Shuckle.
- dede6giu added 17 portraits for Meltan Shiny.
- dede6giu added 16 portraits and changed the normal portrait for Meltan.
- DonkinDo added 15 portraits and changed the normal portrait for Glalie Shiny.
- Nooga added 15 portraits and changed the normal portrait for Blaziken Shiny Female.
- Nooga added 15 portraits and changed the normal portrait for Blaziken Shiny.
- Nooga added 15 portraits and changed the normal portrait for Blaziken Female.
- Nooga added 15 portraits and changed the normal portrait for Blaziken.
- DonkinDo added 15 portraits and changed the normal portrait for Glalie.
- DonkinDo added 15 portraits and changed the normal portrait for Machoke Shiny.
- DonkinDo added 16 portraits for Mienfoo Shiny.
- Emmuffin added 15 portraits and changed the normal portrait for Swablu Shiny.
- DonkinDo added 15 portraits and changed the normal portrait for Ledian.
- Nooga added the normal portrait for Toxtricity.
- Fable added 15 portraits and changed the normal portrait for Beedrill.
- Emmuffin added 15 portraits and changed the normal portrait for Swablu.
- Emmuffin added 18 portraits for Togedemaru Shiny.
- Nooga added the normal portrait for Toxtricity Lowkey.
- Emmuffin added 18 portraits for Togedemaru.
- the user with the discord id @!589906152708505648 changed 32 portraits for Beldum.
- the user with the discord id @!436940337865293834 added 16 portraits and changed the normal portrait for Flaaffy.
- Frostdrop1 added 15 portraits and changed the normal portrait for Anorith.
- the user with the discord id @!589906152708505648 changed 32 portraits for Beldum.
- C_Pariah changed 16 portraits for Raichu Shiny.
- Emmuffin added 15 portraits and changed the normal portrait for Gulpin Shiny.
- 0palite added the surprised portrait and changed the normal portrait for Kadabra.
- Emmuffin added 15 portraits and changed the normal portrait for Gulpin.
- C_Pariah changed 16 portraits for Raichu.
- the user with the discord id @!436940337865293834 added 32 portraits and changed the normal and normal^ portraits for Togekiss.
- the user with the discord id @!299261889169588246 changed 16 portraits for Meowth Shiny.
- 0palite added the normal portrait for Solgaleo.
- 0palite added the normal portrait for Lunala.
- DonkinDo added 15 portraits and changed the normal portrait for Mienfoo.
- Nooga added 19 portraits for Cramorant Shiny.
- Emmuffin added 15 portraits for Leafeon Shiny.
- Nooga added 16 portraits for Cramorant.
- Emmuffin added 15 portraits and changed the normal portrait for Leafeon.
- Noivern changed the happy, normal and pain portraits for Noibat.
- 0palite added the normal and normal^ portraits for Necrozma.
- 0palite added the normal portrait for Dracovish.
- CamusZekeSirius added 16 portraits and changed the normal portrait for Registeel Shiny.
- CamusZekeSirius added 16 portraits and changed the normal portrait for Registeel.
- C_Pariah added the normal portrait for Froakie.
- the user with the discord id @!433058189240696835 added 11 portraits and changed the normal and surprised portraits for Grovyle Shiny.
- Nooga added the determined, normal and special1 portraits for Cramorant.
- Fable added 16 portraits and changed the normal portrait for Gible Female.
- 0palite changed the normal portrait for Type_Null.
- 0palite added the normal portrait for Silvally.
- Fable added 12 portraits and changed the joyous, normal, pain, sigh and teary-eyed portraits for Azurill Shiny.
- Fable added 12 portraits and changed the joyous, normal, pain, sigh and teary-eyed portraits for Azurill.
- DonkinDo added 13 portraits and changed the angry, normal and pain portraits for Slugma Shiny.
- DonkinDo added 17 portraits for Vanillite Shiny.
- DonkinDo added 32 portraits and changed the normal and normal^ portraits for Roselia Shiny.
- Nooga changed the sad^ and teary-eyed^ portraits for Farfetch_d Galar.
- Nooga changed the sad^ and teary-eyed^ portraits for Farfetch_d Galar Shiny.
- DonkinDo added 16 portraits for Joltik Shiny.
- DonkinDo added 16 portraits and changed the normal portrait for Metang Shiny.
- DonkinDo added 17 portraits and changed the normal portrait for Vespiquen Shiny.
- C_Pariah added 30 portraits and changed the normal and normal^ portraits for Croconaw Shiny.
- C_Pariah changed 32 portraits for Croconaw.
- EzerArt added the normal portrait for Dragapult.
- DonkinDo added 32 portraits and changed the normal and normal^ portraits for Roselia.
- Nooga added 32 portraits for Farfetch_d Galar Shiny.
- Nooga added 30 portraits for Farfetch_d Galar.
- the user with the discord id @!120852359676035072 changed 16 portraits for Growlithe.
- 0palite added the normal portrait for Type_Null.
- DonkinDo added 15 portraits and changed the normal portrait for Froslass.
- DonkinDo added 33 sprites for Indeedee Female.
- 0palite added 15 portraits and changed the normal portrait for Empoleon.
- the user with the discord id @!604644469685354526 added the normal portrait for Thievul Shiny.
- the user with the discord id @!604644469685354526 added the normal portrait for Thievul.