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PMD ROM Hacking News of 20 march 2022
The jam start tomorrow
That's just a reminder so you don't forget. More information in the SkyTemple Discord server ( )
PMDO 0.5.9
By Audino in the PMDO Discord server
PMDO 0.5.9 Released
Mostly editor related fixes and features, but also improves the Split Up AI, and fixes issues with TMs. Most importantly, Shuckle shopkeepers wont instantly go berserk when you leave shop.
Update to PMDC
By Audino in the SkyTemple Discord server
This tool has now been updated, with fixes to alignment tool and all official sprites.
referenced post
This tool should make it easier to create and test new dungeon sprites:
Windows x64:
Windows x86:
Check out a guide with tutorials here:
Some nice looking things for Fallen Spirits
All three by _Alex in his Discord server
too poor to make an embed :) And also not wanting to put an embed to a service I don't trust. But the content shown is really good.
heavily wip, but this concept took such a long time to actually implement i thought to show it off
basically its floating islands connected to each other by rainbows
its finally done. it took 13 - 15 hours and my god it was the hardest tileset i have ever made. still pretty cool in the end tho
New Community Assets
Animated sprites in this section are animated PNG files. If animated sprites appear to be static images, make sure that your browser supports PNG animation. (Most modern browsers should display them just fine, though.)
Celesteela by FunnyKecleonMeme
Sprite Changed

Cutiefly Shiny by Caitemis
Sprite Added

Deoxys Shiny by Murpi and Chi
Portrait Added

Dragapult Shiny by Caitemis
Portrait Changed

Dreepy Shiny by Caitemis
Portrait Added
Drowzee by Caitemis and CHUNSOFT
Portrait Added

Drowzee Shiny by Moo and Caitemis
Portrait Added

Duraludon Shiny by Caitemis
Portrait Added
Eevee Female by Emmuffin
Sprite Added

Finneon by CHUNSOFT and someone with the discord id <@!776403448220483615>
Portrait Added

Garchomp Altcolor by Nooga
Portrait Added

Garchomp Altcolor Female by Nooga
Sprite Added

Lucario Shiny by JFain, FlarosOverfield, Emmuffin and Anonymous
Portrait Added
Lucario Mega by Caitemis
Portrait Added

Palkia Origin Shiny by CamusZekeSirius
Portrait Added
Pidgeot Mega Shiny by Murpi
Portrait Added
Probopass Beta Shiny by Caitemis
Sprite Added

Scolipede Shiny by Caitemis
Portrait Added
Sylveon Shiny by Lovi, FlarosOverfield and Emmuffin
Portrait Added

Trubbish by powercristal, mucrush, cyboy_bit, Nooga and Noivern
Portrait Added

Trubbish Shiny by Caitemis
Portrait Added

Venusaur Mega by someone with the discord id <@!537560911716810763>
Portrait Added
Whirlipede Shiny by Caitemis
Portrait Added
Other Graphics
Cacturne Hut and Peyotes
By Nooga in the SkyTemple Discord server (that already made a few week I forgot to show them)
Ever wanted a Caturne hut? Now you have one. Also includes seperated layers for the hat and head segments.
Also, have some peyotes
Non canon sprites and portraits
Feraligatr_Pirate by Nooga and FunnyKecleonMeme
Sprite Added

Kitsunoh by Fearless-Quit
Portrait Added

Mr_Saturn by JFain
Portrait Added
Nohface by Fearless-Quit
Portrait Added
Rebble by Fearless-Quit
Portrait Added
Riolu_Dothack_Tsukasa by Activehenry
Portrait Added
Slime_Dragon_Quest by JFain
Portrait Added

Stratagem by Fearless-Quit
Portrait Added

Tactite by Fearless-Quit
Portrait Added
Voodoom by Fearless-Quit
Portrait Added

About this newsletter
As a remainder, you can contribute to on-going publication of this newsletter. Help would really be appreciated. More information can be found on the dedicated page.
Did I miss anything? Feel free to contact marius851000 on Discord at marius851000#2522
, with an email at
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, from an ActivityPub-compatible service (Mastodon) at
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Newsletter Credits
Written and formatted by marius851000#2522