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PMD ROM Hacking News of the 23th january 2022
Explorers of Memories v1.1
By Shammywolf363 in the SkyTemple Discord server
Hello, here is version 1.1 of Explorers of Memories that fixes or adds the following:
Added 'Made by Skytemple' screen
Increased the spawn rate of Chanseys in the side path dungeons
Changed side path dungeons to have six floors
Miscellaneous text/cutscene/dungeon fixes
Added Misdreavus starter animations (by Emboarger) and Sableye Portraits (by Drawstuff, Phillips196)
There are two patches included for clean and xeno version of Sky. If there are any issues, please let me know!
PMD 99 development resumed
By Daniel (was PikaNiko) on the SkyTemple Discord server
PMD 99 development is resumed!
First dungeon “Beach Cave” will be changed to “Beach Abyss”. It has 99 floors and you will encounter all types of traps in the dungeon! Also, there is 0.01% that you encounter a level 100 Pokémon in the dungeon! Even more, the starter Pokémon will be changed to level 1 every time you enter the dungeon. To make the difficulty of the game even unbalanced, the Pokémon you encounter will be in its final evolution form!Don't worry, there are more items in the dungeon that can help you go through this scary 99 floors dungeon.
Sea of regret progressing
By JaiFain in the SkyTemple Discord server
my PMD romhack is not dead, just… slowpacing xD (i think i will shrink Gothorita a bit)
Kingdom of Glory looking for help
By SerpenTriss on Twitter
We are urgently looking for coders that are familiar with using skytemple to help with this project. If you're interested then please let us know by sending a DM. We would really appreciate the help💚
French and German translation of Explorers of Skies
On the staro's dumb place Discord server by Antimon
So, guys!
The way too long wait is finally over!
A month too late but here is the German translation of Skies 1.17.1!The patching process is exactly the same as the original Skies
Just apply it the the Xenophobia ROM of Explorers of Sky
But that's not all!I present the next version of my EoS translation Tool!
Now with new features and a fancy GUI to make it usable 2022 style.
Compatible with Windows, macOS and Linux
(emphasis mine)
For our French 🇫🇷 friends:
Thanks to the great work of @Nyaluni Skies V 1.17.1 got also translated into French!
Have fun and enjoy!
New Community Assets
Animated sprites in this section are animated PNG files. If animated sprites appear to be static images, make sure that your browser supports PNG animation. (Most modern browsers should display them just fine, though.)
Absol Shiny by Nooga
Sprite ChangedAipom Shiny by Nooga
Sprite ChangedAltaria Shiny by Nooga
Sprite ChangedAmbipom Shiny by Nooga
Sprite ChangedAmpharos Shiny by Nooga
Sprite ChangedArrokuda by Jhony-Rex
Sprite AddedAzumarill Shiny by Nooga
Sprite ChangedButterfree Shiny by Nooga
Sprite ChangedButterfree Shiny Female by Nooga
Sprite ChangedClauncher by baronessfaron
Portrait AddedCorsola Shiny by Nooga
Sprite ChangedCosmoem Shiny by Ichor
Portrait AddedDitto Shiny by Nooga
Sprite ChangedDragalge by baronessfaron
Portrait AddedDragonite Shiny by Nooga
Sprite ChangedElectrode Shiny by Nooga
Sprite ChangedEspeon Shiny by Nooga
Sprite ChangedExeggcute Shiny by Nooga
Sprite ChangedExeggutor Shiny by Nooga
Sprite ChangedGyarados Shiny by Nooga
Sprite ChangedHoothoot Shiny by Nooga
Sprite ChangedLickilicky Shiny by Nooga
Sprite ChangedLurantis by Emmuffin
Portrait ChangedLurantis Shiny by Emmuffin
Portrait AddedMagikarp Shiny by Nooga
Sprite ChangedMalamar by baronessfaron
Portrait AddedMetagross Shiny by Nooga
Sprite ChangedMurkrow Alternate by Emmuffin
Portrait ChangedMurkrow Alternate by baronessfaron
Portrait ChangedNoctowl Shiny by Nooga
Sprite ChangedRapidash Shiny by Nooga
Sprite ChangedShuckle Shiny by Nooga
Sprite ChangedSkrelp by baronessfaron
Portrait AddedSpinda Shiny by Nooga
Sprite ChangedStarmie Shiny by Nooga
Sprite ChangedSudowoodo Shiny by Nooga
Sprite ChangedWobbuffet Shiny by Nooga
Sprite ChangedWobbuffet Shiny Female by Nooga
Sprite ChangedYamask Galar by Emmuffin
Portrait AddedYamask Galar Shiny by Emmuffin
Portrait AddedZangoose Shiny by Nooga
Sprite ChangedMore digimon
both of them by NeroIntruder in the SkyTemple Discord server. As usual, you should ask her permission before use.
PMDO 0.5.6
By Audion on the PMDO discord server
PMDO 0.5.6 Released
This update focuses on gameplay changes, mainly item/trap buffs and gives some enemies clearer roles/weaknesses. It is also an update that will be delivered via an updater:
About this newsletter
1 year of the newsletter
It's now been a year since I wrote the first article for this newsletter. And… I don't know what to write about it (figured this just before sharing it Reddit and the SkyTemple Discord server).
I'll just write a short history of this newsletter :
I had this idea for some time before I started it. The first letter I wrote weren't shared much, it was more of a test. Then, I published a link to every new letter in the announcements channel of the SkyTemple Discord server (and still does to this day) (and don't forget I also share this on Reddit). I first shared it hosting it on a github repository, but then moved to a self-hosted website based on pelican. I then migrated to instead using a dynamically generated website, using dokuwiki (the current iteration of the site, and hopefully the last).
During that time, I set up a program to generate a changelog of sprites and portraits of SpriteCollab, have a lot of enhancement to the presentation (a lot of them thanks to Aviivix, who proofread some of the letters), and added some pages, included an all new hack archive (also being dynamically generated).
I hope this newsletter were useful for you. As usual, if you have any comment, contact me.
Also, I had a nice little idea of a new page on this wiki. I'll share more detail the next week once I would have did some more testing with this.
Finally, I've enabled anonymous editing, but you can still create an account to ease tracking of who did what.
Have a nice day – marius851000
As a remainder, you can contribute to on-going publication of this newsletter. Help would really be appreciated. More information can be found on the dedicated page.
Did I miss anything? Feel free to contact marius851000 on Discord at marius851000#2522
, with an email at
, on reddit with the user u/marius851000
or from an ActivityPub-compatible service (Mastodon) at
Newsletter Credits
Written and formatted by marius851000#2522