Table of Contents
PMD ROM Hacking News of 12th December 2021
New version of fragment 3 !
By irdkwia in the SkyTemple Discord server
Minor update for Fragments
Bug fixes and reworked compatibility with other chapters Fixed some typo Small dungeon rework (to avoid Crystal Path B4F) “No problem” → “Yes problem” Faster dungeon stirring effect Nothing elseDownload:
Also, chapter 1 has been updated to fix compatibility issues:
PMD Google translated back on track !
By Mason the Bee on the Translate Blender Discord server
@everyone Good news, everyone!
Apologies for the ping, but now seems to be a good time to let you know that the hack is getting back on the rails!
I've finally put that class to rest, and now I've got a whole free month and much easier classes ahead of me, giving me ample time to learn Skytemple and make some progress. I'll try my best to post weekly updates from hereon out.
Hope to bring you many word salads very soon! 🐝
New Community Assets
Animated sprites in this section are animated PNG files. If animated sprites appear to be static images, make sure that your browser supports PNG animation. (Most modern browsers should display them just fine, though.)
Absol Mega Shiny by Murpi
Sprite Added

Cosmog by Emboarger
Sprite Added

Cosmog Shiny by Emboarger
Sprite Added

Cramorant Shiny by Nooga
Sprite Added

Delphox by Emboarger
Sprite Added

Ducklett by Emboarger
Portrait Added

Emolga Shiny by Nooga
Sprite Added

Espurr Shiny by Nooga
Sprite Added

Eternatus Shiny by Nooga
Portrait Added
Honedge Shiny by Nooga
Sprite Added

Houndoom Mega Shiny by Murpi
Sprite Added

Kangaskhan Mega by Emmuffin
Portrait Added

Lillipup Shiny by Murpi
Sprite Added

Magby by Emboarger
Sprite Added

Magby Shiny by Emboarger
Sprite Added

Mienfoo Shiny by Nooga
Sprite Added

Minccino Shiny by Nooga
Sprite Added

Sprite Added

Noibat Shiny by Nooga
Sprite Added

Pawniard by AikoMaiko
Sprite Added

Pawniard by baronessfaron
Portrait Added

Purrloin Shiny by Murpi
Sprite Added

Rockruff by Emmuffin
Portrait Added

Rockruff Shiny by Emmuffin
Portrait Added

Shinx Female by Murpi
Sprite Added

Treecko Alternate by baronessfaron
Sprite Added

Type_Null by FunnyKecleonMeme
Sprite Added

Type_Null Shiny by Nooga
Sprite Added

Vanillish by Emboarger
Portrait Added

Vanilluxe by Emboarger
Portrait Added

Vivillon Continental Shiny by Emmuffin
Sprite Added

Vivillon Elegant by Emmuffin
Sprite Changed

Vivillon Elegant Shiny by Emmuffin
Sprite Added

Yveltal by FunnyKecleonMeme
Sprite Added

- Commited by Capypara : Fix runtime issues
Rescue Team Hacking News
RRT Decompilation progress
- Commited by AnonymousRandomPerson : “AI decomp + type cleanup”
- Commited by AnonymousRandomPerson : “Dungeon random/AI decomp + converted positions to structs”
About this newsletter
Major change
This week, I put in place the new version of this website. As said the last week, I spend quite some time writing this newsletter. I wanted to ensure other users can help me write this newsletter. This site is now in the form of a wiki, where you can edit the next week newsletter ! If you are interested, take a look at the dedicated page ! (and dokuwiki should also allow for more efficient editing).
Did I miss anything? Feel free to contact me on Discord at marius851000#2522
, send me an email at
, on reddit to u/marius851000
or send me a message from an ActivityPub-compatible service (Mastodon) at
Newsletter Credits
Written and formatted by marius851000#2522