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Fragments 1

made by : irdkwia

tags : Fragments, base:explorers-of-sky-us, English, SkyTemple HackJam 1, Release, base:explorers-of-sky, and base:explorers

PMD: Fragments (PMD Frag), or a simple, basic one-shot story with a team that no one expected (and also no one wanted to play with), (probably) a lot of syntax/grammar/spelling mistakes and hard(?) dungeons (but I think it depends on your experience with MD).

Total length of the hack: ~1h45 (maybe less if you are fast) Note: this hack is a bit more serious than its description

Screenshots and xdelta patch in the zip file

Created by @Irdkwia

See on the SkyTemple hack list (under the id fragments).



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V2: ...


  • 2 difficulty modes: easy and hard (default mode in the first version).
  • Compatible saves.


  • Bug fixes and reworked compatibility with other chapters.

tags : base:explorers-of-sky-us, English, Release, base:explorers-of-sky, and base:explorers

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tags : Release