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Nymble's Story

made by : polybo, axcel_snowpix, shimxshimx and jaifain

tags : base:explorers-of-sky-us, English, SkyTemple HackJam 5, Release, base:explorers-of-sky, and base:explorers

Base ROM: Clean US version of Explorers of Sky

Estimated length of playing time: 30-45 minutes (for one route), 1 ½ hours approx. (for both routes)

Language: English

Content Warning: Offensive language, Crime, Mentions of Mafia

Version 1.1

Follow Nymble as he makes a run for it after stealing the guild's pay! Wind up in the labyrinth of a tyrant ruling a town, to defeat the corrupt ruler and restore peace...or will you choose violence and aim to become the tyrannical ruler instead?

source :

See on the SkyTemple hack list (under the id nymblesstory).

