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PMD ROM Hacking News of the 4th september 2022
Well… That make about 8 weeks I didn’t published a newsletter. The longest time span since the beggining of it. I may have glanced over a few things this time, so it likely won’t be as good quality as usual, but it should still be usefull.
It’s just I have many side project (like many people).
Also, this one is the longest running one I consistently work on, put aside my work on reverse engineering EOS and it’s file format, which ended up making numerous project.
Finally… This one is long… Don’t be surprised if it’s a bit laggy.
MysteryMail 2 (Branching Chaos) finished and published
The second edition of MysteryMail has finished, been streamed and the stream has been published on YouTube.
This edition used 2 branch, with the same initial cutscene, but with the following development being independent (and simultaneous).
The Branche can be found on YouTube:
And here is the patch, to be applied on the US base ROM (no secondary compressor needed):
Explorers of Alpha
By Mond in the SkyTemple Discord server
Alpha news… good ones and other ones I had to share !
Alpha's development is getting slower lately, and for a reason: yes-life caught up, and a big chunk of good things in my life appeared, I'm less into the mood to develop Alpha, more in the mood to live my life with everything I love, this project no longer being my main drive in my life
Everything is perfectly fine though, I still have news to share with you!First things first, I completed a feature called Memory Battles and added a new item: the Dream Catcher. You can have a rematch against special bosses with it in the Bag. Special interactions with it include Old Ruins, you can visit them through a cutscene in Post-Game in case you want to see this beautiful place once again 👀
Then I added “Mission levels” for rewards. Upon graduating from the Guild, you will gain a higher amount of Explorer Points and a way bigger amount of Explorer Points once you clear the Scizor post-Darkrai story arc.
Along with this addition I started to consider something with Wigglytuff post-Darkrai and with the dynamic Explorer Points reward, I wanted to also consider dynamic Reward Money reward. For every 5 legendary Pokémon you recruit, the amount of the team's share for mission rewards is increased by 5% and capped at 50% once you recruit every single legendary Pokémon and special species (Future Trio for instance). Wigglytuff also rewards you with Premier Gifts every 2 legendary recruitments and… Perfect Apples. Yup.
A gameplay addition I've shared for a while: the Mysteriosity feature is close from being completed! Mysteriosity 5's Terra Incognita and Mysteriosity 6's One-Shot mode are still missing since they are harder to implement (and I'm lazy ngl), but I have added the Flygon NPC which lets you switch or disable Mysteriosity for Mystery Parts and lets you know more about Mysteriosity settings.
Finally, big big shotouts to @baroness faron for the commission!!!! Regidrago and Regieleki sprites were really not that great and I jumped the gun to ask her for new sprites, and here they are! I hope you like them 👀
Check her work here:
Later still on Twitter (after he announced he would stop working on it)
Deving Alpha once again after a 3 weeks break and a wonderful week with my closest friend
Here are two screenshots: the first one showcases dynamic Money Pouch expansion, the second one shows one a new reward system, close to Genshin's Battle Pass
I'll work on my own.
Stay tuned!
should definitively make better image embedding in this newsletter too…
And one last message from Tweeter
Seeing the numbers my last post did is heartwarming, really
I wanted you all to know the project has no ETA, I have moments when I don't work on the project too much so…
To help me with new Alpha scripted events/quests I'm looking for story writers!
DMs opened: Mond#3333
PMD: Delusion v1.2
By Argonien|Rayasa|✠ in the SkyTemple Discord server
Team Stardust presents: PMD Delusion V1.2
Whats new?
A whole Special Episode with new maps and a lot of background story Some Updated/Reworked scenes for the main story A fleshed out overworld that's worth to explore something that got spoilered and that I don’t know how to put in the newsletter yet.Available in:
English German FrenchThe Special Episode gets unlocked during the main Story
Due to substantial changes to the inner workings of the Save system, old saves are not compatible with V1.2
Spanish is currently not supported for the special episode and lacks text so it's not recommended to play with this language. Similar situation for Italian
And a minor fix was later published, so this is not 1.2.01. The link is still the same.
I’ll add that there are some minor textual issue in the French translation. I’ll probably work to fix that for a potential future version. And overall try to improve the translation experience of PMD hacks (including somehow adding support for those famous narrow (unbreakable) space in SkyTemple).
PMD Retold chapter 22 and 23
By Yakkomon in the SkyTemple Discord server, more than 10 minutes ago
For the Episode 22:
A new PMD Retold episode premiere in 10 minutes time!
And for the Episode 23:
A new episode of PMD Retold premieres in 10 minutes!
Whisper of Wisdom info
By JaiFain in the SkyTemple Discord server
PMD: Whisper of Wisdom will feature a different “player insertion”. The player will not be physically in the game, but being some kind of “voice” that the main characters can listen to! Your decisions will affect the pacing of the story progression.
Explorers of Hell and Heaven 2.0 and 2.1 released
Remainder with the differences between Hell and Heavens: Heavens feature the base game story, while Hell changes the dialogue, which contains insults, mention to death and this kind of stuff (should find a better description for those).
The 16 july on Babou’s guild by Babou
The latest big update for Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Hell & Heaven is here! Feel free to check out the trailer on YouTube and Twitter and feel free to share it! The changelog is in the download link. It is VERY HIGHLY recommended to restart your adventure to get the most out of the new features present! @everyone
Download link :
Twitter :
YouTube :
the 24 august, on the SkyTemple’s Discord Guild, by Babou
Hey everyone! I'm finally here to announce the release date of 2.1 of Pokémon Mystery Dungeon : Explorers of Heaven : Tuesday August 30th, expect these new features:
Mega Evolutions 3 new dungeons : Luminose Island, Paradise Garden & Infinite Land 2 new starters: Mienfoo & Deerling New items Easy and Hard Mode Master Player Challenge The 4 gems And many other things!I hope you are hype! It's coming in 1 week! If you want to interact with the community, participate in the Master Player challenge, keep up to date with future news, or test Explorers of Hell, feel free to join our discord:
And on the 30/08/2022, the 2.1 updates released (there some minor update in the mean times too. But this newsletter is already long enought.
On SkyTemple’s discord Guild, by Babou
Your patience has been rewarded: Here comes Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Heaven update 2.1! Lots of new features and changes, I hope you'll like this update! Feel free to participate to the Master Player challenge on my server to be among the first to enter the legend! :MiiCool:
Thanks to all beta testers for their hard work, especially @Mond (Explorers of Alpha), without him this update would not be the same at all. Good luck and good game everyone!
Link :
The Hell version will only be available on my discord server. Here is the link:
An updated version has been made available, see below
Also, the changelog is here: v2.1_changelog.txt
And finally, a 2.11 update
Hey, here is the first small update of 2.1! Some bug fixes and dungeon modifications! I hope you enjoy the update, have fun! @everyone
Hell and Heaven text Tower of God entrance text Tower of God end bug Rescue will not work before expedition in Tiny Wood and Mt. Steel IQ Group I and J now have Fast Friend Tepig don't learn Flare Blitz twice Mt. Steel doesn't crash anymore (Thanks to @Pizza69) Ditto's service order has been modified to be more intuitive Hoppip and Skiploom no longer learn Memento by levels Hoppip learns Memento only by egg move You can now find the Mobile Scarf at Paradise Garden 46F You will find more Max Elixir in Luminose Island You will find less Max Elixir and more Reviver Seed in Tower of God Help Cave is easier but has less items
Link :
W.I.P Hungarian translation of Sky
A new hack was added to the SkyTemple hack repository here:
Few information is available on this translation, but a patch is released, although marked as “nearly finished” on the hack repo.
SkyTemple podcast 4, 5 and 6
There has been 3 new SkyTemple podcast that has been shared since the last newsletter :
- Podcast 4, About PMD Chip and Miju. (mirror)
- Podcast 5, About Explorers of the Azure Sky and Mr. L. (mirror)
- Podcast 6, About PMD Abridged and Decimer. (mirror)
Explorers of the Unknown 0.3
By Espik
After all this time, the adventure you know and love is back! Travel far and dive deep in PMD: Explorers of the Unknown v0.3! The update is available to download and play right now! Go find the game here: Additionally, don't forget to join the Discord server!
One day, a human wakes up in the middle of nowhere, having turned into a Pokémon.
Not too long after, they stumble upon Team Basil, a friendly exploration team.
What marvelous adventures await our recruited hero?
Find out in Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Unknown!
I really need to put better image handling. The file above is more than 8MiB. Server side resizing wouldn’t be a luxury…
Info on PMD: Sun Town’s Secrets
By Pazkallan in the Team Discord Discord server
Well, it's the date that I originally set for myself to make progress! If you figured the binary out, congratulations, it wasn't clever I'm sorry
Well, here's the deal! I still don't have a public demo, and I'm really not sure when I will. Instead of going on an apology and saying everything that 2022 has put in my way, though, I figured I would tell you a bit of the development process. After all, the trailer I made for the direct way back when was pretty vague, and you guys could use some details. Some baseline spoilers ahead, so I will put the rest of this post in spoiler tags.
So… who is the main character? This has changed a few times in development (causing me to scrap a lot of scenes honestly) but as of now I think I have it settled. The base EoS main character and partner… are not the main characters, actually. Instead, I tried something a bit creative.
The main character is a Zoroark! The personality test, instead of determining what pokemon you become, now determines what pokemon the Zoroark uses as an illusion to blend in with the people of Treasure Town and Sun Town. The illusion animation, animated by JaiFain, was the spoilered animation I showed in January. Why would they need to blend in, one might ask? Well, that's where I can get into the actual main premise of this hack, and I can't believe I haven't said anything on this yet. Sorry about that!
This Zoroark was born into a scheme of sorts. They are a denizen of the mysterious Sun Town, of course. Many of the pokemon that reside there are also Zoroark, blending in for a reason that I won't spoil just yet. Every now and then, a select few residents are chosen to go out to the world at large and stir up some small-scale tourism. It seems like a nice way to share their town with others and make some on the side, so what could be the problem?Most pokemon who take the journey to Sun Town never return. Thus, you as the Zoroark are chosen to be sent out next to the bustling city of Treasure Town. What mysteries could you unravel, and what conspiracies could you reveal? Will you choose to adhere to your own society's values, or will you attempt to flip the organization on its head? Using a series of branching paths with a series of endings that I can only describe as being inspired by Undertale, the player will explore both towns and discover just how far everyone is willing to go… for a little power.
As always, thank you for still waiting around after all this time of me not saying anything and not having anything to show. I sincerely hope I will have a demo by the end of the year, classes and life events permitting. I'll keep chipping away! Ironically, even if I have the server as Team Discern, this project is still just me working on it, which I may want to change after a playable product is released. Who knows, though? I'll just have to see when the time comes.
Hope you enjoy those details too. Yoom-yah and a toast to 2023 being a better year in advance,
Yah! Finally some basic spoiler with just a few lines of CSS. Notice how the images aren’t spoilered. I’ll probably have to fix that someday…
New tutorials by Stolen Burrito
Here is a serie of 5 tutorial on some topics made by Stolen Burrito:
Explorers of the Merge trailer
By Minarchu in the SkyTemple Discord server
Finally made an intro cutscene and demo trailer for my hack, all recorded in game using DeSmuME (Phanpy and Munchlax are demo heros and partners, randomized for the cutscene), Eventually need to get rid of some placeholder assets too.
Pikachu’s great adventure
By Haifan
what's up gamers
patch is up right now!!
You can really see I didn’t put much effort this time…
ProtoKirby’s hack
By ProtoKirby on SkyTemple’s Discord guild
a part of my (work in progress) hack. can't figure out how to move scenes without those visual oddities, but no matter. as long as they don't break anything, i'm cool with it.
and chatot teleporting at the end fits so well with the energy of the hack, i'm going to leave it
don't mind the thumbnail on the video. i just stuck that in because i didn't like the thumbnails youtube showed me
PMDO 0.6
By Audino the PMDO Discord guild
for 0.5.19
A minor update consisting of bugfixes and sprite additions. Next update is planned to introduce major changes to the modding system.
for 0.5.20
Some major fixes for sprites and replays in this one. It also provides better sprite testing controls. These changes were deemed necessary to push out before the big one related to string assets, so that update will be for next time.
for 0.6.0
Version 0.6.0 Released
Since the last major release, not much has changed on the player-side, but a lot has changed on the editor-side:
The updater can be updated. If you haven't redownloaded the updater since 0.5.4, it is highly recommended to do so now. Modding system has been made more robust, with testing buttons in editors, multi-mod loading, and data identified by names instead of numbers. Controller buttons are recognized! A number of tweaks to gameplay and move effects for balancing. Many crash and save-corruption bugs fixed; much thanks to our linux users!The process of migrating tutorials is now underway. Look forward to a new site to host all the data!
Version 0.6.1 Released
Fixes regressions found in the editor from using string assets. Also adds a few new options for cutscene creation.
Version 0.6.2 Released
This update adds dependency and load order! Also fixed an issue with the updater that kept old data from previous versions. Please update PMDOSetup. Additionally, a mod change has been implemented, so @Modder will need to reserialize their mods.
PMD Halcyon
By Palika in the SkyTemple Discord server
Figured I should do something more formal in here, this is the last time I will post about it…
I have been working for nearly the past 2 years on a PMD fangame called Halcyon with an original story line that aims to recapture the vibes that explorers had. Its goal is to be PMD2 2 I guess you could say. It is a mod for PMDO, so you need to have PMDO to play it.Currently I have a 2 chapter demo that is jam packed for only being two chapters right now. I've spent a lot of time on it and would like to see if people are interested in trying it so they can give feedback on it.
Current features:
35 Starters and partners to choose from (some such as tepig and popplio are not present due to missing sprites from the community repo.) 2 entire chapters of brand new story. a dojo system that currently includes a basic maze and a scripted tutorial Completely original maps. Assets are mostly reused from PMD1 and PMD2, but some assets are new. Robust partner speaking in overworld (in dungeon still to be done) Dynamic town NPCs based on story progression and plenty of characters to meet. I've put a lot of time into making each character unique and fun to talk to!There's still a lot more to be done and a more public demo is being planned once chapter 3 and more polish is added. But I would greatly appreciate anyone who is interested to give this demo a try and let me know what you think or if you find any bugs!
Screenshots and videos:
And a few others I did not include for brevety
Please, give it a try! You can find any link you may need for it in the PMDO discord! And if you have any questions or anything you can ping me here or DM me. You can also DM me for a link to the PMDO discord if you need it.
Installation instruction by Palika in the PMDO server
PMD Halcyon: Chapter 2 Demo is now ready to be playtested.
Halcyon is a story hack that aims to recreate the vibes and gameplay that PMD Explorers gave. The goal is to be like if Nintendo/Chunsoft went ahead and made another explorers game.
There are currently two chapters. Please give me any feedback you have regarding characters, writing, gameplay, QoL, anything! And if you find any bugs please let me know asap so I can get them fixed. You can either do that in discord, via DM or posting, or by making an issue on github.
Github for the mod:
Note that the latest commits aren't always a stable version of the game. Typically I'll try to make the most current version stable for the part of the game that's been completed so far. Use the Chapter 2 Demo branch if you're not sure what to use.Installation instructions:
Download the Halcyon mod folder from github Extract the mod into its own folder Place the mod folder into the MODS folder in the PMDO folder where you installed PMDO.Your folder should look something like this if you've installed succesfully:
To play the mod, boot up PMDO and select Special Episodes from the main menu. Select Halcyon as the special episode to play.
More dungeon mod for PMDO
By Vladcik
Finally taking the time to release my mod. It has some issues, it's not the best, but it was an opportunity for me to learn.
Atm you've a dungeon oriented Power Plant from Kanto. 15 Floors, take care of the poison in the end of the dungeon. You'll be able to find some rare Pokemon in some specific Floors !
I plan to add more dungeons in the future based on the new update for modding ❤️ It works with the last version
Cait Sith Commision’s
To earn a bit to fuel my nerd hobby addictions, I'll be providing #pokemonmysterydungeon sprites and portraits! DM me here or at Cait_Sith#4447 on Discord! Probably using Paypal but im new to it so be patient pls
To clarify portrait price is for a full set. If you just want one or two it'll be cheaper.
New Community Assets
Animated sprites in this section are animated PNG files. If animated sprites appear to be static images, make sure that your browser supports PNG animation. (Most modern browsers should display them just fine, though.)
Absol Starter by JFain and CHUNSOFT
Sprite AddedAegislash by FunnyKecleonMeme
Sprite AddedAegislash Shiny by FunnyKecleonMeme
Sprite AddedAegislash Blade by FunnyKecleonMeme
Sprite AddedAegislash Blade Shiny by FunnyKecleonMeme
Sprite AddedAerodactyl Shiny by Tacocoa and Caitemis
Portrait AddedAltaria Mega by Ichor, Emmuffin and Anonymous
Portrait AddedAltaria Mega Shiny by Murpi
Portrait AddedAmpharos Mega by Ichor
Portrait AddedArceus by baronessfaron, JFain and Emboarger
Sprite ChangedArceus Shiny by Murpi and Emboarger
Sprite ChangedArceus Bug by Murpi, Emmuffin and Emboarger
Sprite ChangedArceus Bug Shiny by Murpi
Sprite ChangedArceus Dark by Murpi and Emboarger
Sprite ChangedArceus Dark Shiny by Murpi
Sprite ChangedArceus Dragon by Murpi and Emboarger
Sprite ChangedArceus Dragon Shiny by Murpi
Sprite ChangedArceus Electric by Murpi and Emboarger
Sprite ChangedArceus Electric Shiny by Murpi
Sprite ChangedArceus Fairy by Murpi and Emboarger
Sprite ChangedArceus Fairy Shiny by Murpi
Sprite ChangedArceus Fighting by Murpi and Emboarger
Sprite ChangedArceus Fighting Shiny by Murpi
Sprite ChangedArceus Fire by Murpi and Emboarger
Sprite ChangedArceus Fire Shiny by Murpi
Sprite ChangedArceus Flying by Murpi and Emboarger
Sprite ChangedArceus Flying Shiny by Murpi
Sprite ChangedArceus Ghost by Murpi and Emboarger
Sprite ChangedArceus Ghost Shiny by Murpi
Sprite ChangedArceus Grass by Murpi and Emboarger
Sprite ChangedArceus Grass Shiny by Murpi
Sprite ChangedArceus Ground by Murpi and Emboarger
Sprite ChangedArceus Ground Shiny by Murpi
Sprite ChangedArceus Ice by Murpi and Emboarger
Sprite ChangedArceus Ice Shiny by Murpi
Sprite ChangedArceus Poison by Murpi and Emboarger
Sprite ChangedArceus Poison Shiny by Murpi
Sprite ChangedArceus Psychic by Murpi and Emboarger
Sprite ChangedArceus Psychic Shiny by Murpi
Sprite ChangedArceus Question_Mark by Murpi and Emboarger
Sprite ChangedArceus Question_Mark Shiny by Murpi
Sprite ChangedArceus Rock by Murpi and Emboarger
Sprite ChangedArceus Rock Shiny by Murpi
Sprite ChangedArceus Steel by Murpi and Emboarger
Sprite ChangedArceus Steel Shiny by Murpi
Sprite ChangedArceus Water by Murpi and Emboarger
Sprite ChangedArceus Water Shiny by Murpi
Sprite ChangedAron by Emboarger and CHUNSOFT
Sprite AddedAron Shiny by Reppamon and Emboarger
Sprite AddedArrokuda by Caitemis
Portrait AddedArrokuda Shiny by Caitemis
Portrait AddedAzurill Starter by Fable and CHUNSOFT
Portrait AddedBewear by baronessfaron
Portrait AddedBidoof Starter by Emmuffin, CHUNSOFT and someone with the discord id <@!861005464682889266>
Portrait AddedBidoof Starter Female by Emmuffin and CHUNSOFT
Sprite AddedBidoof Starter Shiny by Emmuffin
Portrait AddedBounsweet by baronessfaron
Sprite AddedBraviary by Caitemis
Sprite AddedBraviary Shiny by Caitemis
Sprite AddedBrionne by baronessfaron and FunnyKecleonMeme
Portrait AddedBrionne Shiny by FunnyKecleonMeme and Emboarger
Portrait AddedBruxish by baronessfaron
Portrait AddedBunnelby Shiny by Anonymous
Portrait AddedCalyrex by EzerArt and Anonymous
Portrait AddedCalyrex Shiny by Anonymous
Portrait AddedCarbink Shiny by Anonymous
Portrait AddedChatot Starter by CHUNSOFT and someone with the discord id <@!861005464682889266>
Portrait AddedCofagrigus by mucrush and FunnyKecleonMeme
Portrait AddedCofagrigus Shiny by FunnyKecleonMeme and Caitemis
Portrait AddedCosmoem Shiny by Anonymous
Sprite AddedCroagunk Shiny by Nooga, Murpi, Moo and Emboarger
Portrait AddedCroagunk Shiny Female by Murpi and Moo
Portrait AddedDecidueye Shiny by Anonymous
Sprite AddedDecidueye Alternate Shiny by Anonymous
Portrait AddedDelcatty by baronessfaron, CHUNSOFT and 0palite
Portrait ChangedDelcatty Shiny by baronessfaron, Nooga and Anonymous
Portrait ChangedDiancie Shiny by Mond
Portrait AddedDiancie Mega by Ichor
Portrait AddedDodrio by FunnyKecleonMeme and CHUNSOFT
Portrait AddedDodrio Female by FunnyKecleonMeme and CHUNSOFT
Portrait AddedDodrio Shiny by FunnyKecleonMeme and Anonymous
Portrait AddedDodrio Shiny Female by FunnyKecleonMeme and Anonymous
Portrait AddedDragalge Shiny by Anonymous
Portrait AddedDratini Altcolor by Murpi
Portrait AddedDreepy Shiny by Caitemis
Sprite AddedDunsparce Starter by CHUNSOFT and Blanca
Portrait AddedDusknoir Starter by CHUNSOFT
Portrait AddedEiscue by baronessfaron and Emboarger
Portrait AddedEiscue Shiny by Caitemis and Anonymous
Portrait AddedEkans Starter by drawsstuff, Fearless-Quit and CHUNSOFT
Portrait AddedElectrode Hisui by someone with the discord id <@!413387711152390145>
Portrait AddedElekid by Murpi, CHUNSOFT and Angels-Snack
Portrait ChangedElekid Shiny by Tacocoa, Murpi and El_Pangoro_Parse
Portrait ChangedEmolga by mucrush, LornaWR and Emmuffin
Portrait RemovedEmolga Shiny by LornaWR and Emmuffin
Portrait RemovedEscavalier by mucrush and JFain
Portrait AddedEscavalier Shiny by Murpi and JFain
Portrait AddedEspeon Shiny by Tacocoa, Murpi and 0palite
Portrait ChangedFalinks Brass by Caitemis
Portrait AddedFalinks Trooper by Caitemis
Portrait AddedFletchling by Fable and Anonymous
Portrait ChangedFletchling Shiny by Waffluffe and Anonymous
Portrait ChangedFloette Eternal by Murpi and Anonymous
Portrait ChangedFloette Eternal Shiny by Murpi and Anonymous
Portrait ChangedFrosmoth Shiny by Anonymous
Portrait AddedFurfrou by EverAsh, Aviivix and Anonymous
Portrait ChangedFurfrou Kabuki by baronessfaron
Sprite AddedFurfrou Kabuki Shiny by Anonymous
Sprite AddedGarchomp by FunnyKecleonMeme and CHUNSOFT
Portrait AddedGarchomp Shiny by Prismatic and FunnyKecleonMeme
Portrait AddedGarchomp Altcolor by Nooga and FunnyKecleonMeme
Portrait AddedGardevoir by JFain, Ichor and CHUNSOFT
Portrait ChangedGardevoir Mega by baronessfaron
Portrait AddedGardevoir Mega Shiny by baronessfaron
Portrait AddedGardevoir Starter by Ichor and CHUNSOFT
Portrait AddedGardevoir Starter Shiny by Murpi
Portrait AddedGengar Mega Shiny by Murpi
Portrait AddedGliscor by Emmuffin and CHUNSOFT
Portrait AddedGliscor Shiny by Lovi and Emmuffin
Portrait AddedGoodra Shiny by Anonymous
Portrait AddedGoodra Hisui by Emmuffin
Portrait AddedGorebyss by Emmuffin and CHUNSOFT
Portrait AddedGorebyss Shiny by Tacocoa and Emmuffin
Portrait AddedGourgeist Shiny by Anonymous
Portrait AddedGreninja by Jhony-Rex and Anonymous
Sprite AddedGreninja Shiny by Anonymous
Sprite AddedGrovyle Starter by Davilos and CHUNSOFT
Portrait AddedGrumpig Shiny by Prismatic and Murpi
Portrait AddedHatterene by JFain
Sprite ChangedHatterene Shiny by Ichor
Portrait AddedHaxorus Shiny by Ichor and Emmuffin
Portrait ChangedHoopa by programmedsleepstate, Murpi and someone with the discord id <@!215504160991346689>
Portrait AddedHoopa Shiny by programmedsleepstate, Waffluffe and Murpi
Portrait AddedHuntail by Emmuffin and CHUNSOFT
Portrait AddedHuntail Shiny by Prismatic and Emmuffin
Portrait AddedHypno by Caitemis and CHUNSOFT
Portrait AddedHypno Female by Murpi and CHUNSOFT
Portrait AddedHypno Shiny by Murpi and Lovi
Portrait AddedHypno Shiny Female by Tacocoa and Murpi
Portrait AddedIgglybuff by Phillips196, JFain, CHUNSOFT and someone with the discord id <@!861005464682889266>
Portrait ChangedIgglybuff Shiny by Phillips196, Nooga, Anonymous and someone with the discord id <@!861005464682889266>
Portrait ChangedIgglybuff Starter by CHUNSOFT and someone with the discord id <@!861005464682889266>
Portrait AddedInkay Shiny by Anonymous
Portrait AddedJirachi Starter by Grimlin and CHUNSOFT
Sprite AddedJirachi Starter Shiny by Murpi
Sprite AddedJirachi Starter_Altcolor by Murpi
Sprite AddedJoltik by baronessfaron and JFain
Sprite ChangedJoltik Shiny by JFain and Anonymous
Sprite ChangedJumpluff Starter by Deleca7755 and CHUNSOFT
Portrait AddedKirlia by JFain and CHUNSOFT
Sprite AddedKirlia Shiny by Moo and JFain
Sprite AddedKlefki by Emmuffin and Anonymous
Sprite AddedKlefki Shiny by Emmuffin and Anonymous
Sprite AddedKyurem White Shiny by FunnyKecleonMeme
Sprite AddedLanturn by CHUNSOFT and someone with the discord id <@!571847167489343507>
Portrait AddedLanturn Shiny by Anonymous and someone with the discord id <@!571847167489343507>
Portrait AddedLatios Alternate by Emmuffin
Portrait AddedLiepard by mucrush, baronessfaron and Emmuffin
Portrait AddedLiepard Shiny by Emmuffin and Caitemis
Portrait AddedLilligant Hisui by baronessfaron
Portrait AddedLitten Shiny by FunnyKecleonMeme
Portrait ChangedLopunny Starter by CHUNSOFT
Portrait AddedLotad by smartini, Murpi and CHUNSOFT
Portrait ChangedLotad Shiny by Murpi and Moo
Portrait ChangedLoudred Starter by CHUNSOFT and someone with the discord id <@!861005464682889266>
Portrait AddedLucario Mega Shiny by Murpi
Portrait AddedLugia Shadow Shiny by Mr_L
Sprite RemovedLycanroc Dusk by Ichor
Portrait AddedLycanroc Dusk Shiny by Ichor, Anonymous and someone with the discord id <@!940303989680009339>
Portrait AddedLycanroc Midnight by baronessfaron, JkKU (Jenrikku) and JFain
Portrait ChangedLycanroc Midnight Shiny by ZacianSword and Emboarger
Portrait ChangedLycanroc Midnight_Alternate by Emmuffin
Portrait ChangedLycanroc Midnight_Alternate Shiny by Emmuffin
Portrait ChangedMagearna by gromchurch and baronessfaron
Portrait RemovedMagearna Shiny by gromchurch and baronessfaron
Portrait RemovedMalamar Shiny by Anonymous
Portrait AddedManaphy by Emmuffin and CHUNSOFT
Portrait AddedManaphy Shiny by Emmuffin and Anonymous
Portrait AddedManaphy Starter by Emmuffin and CHUNSOFT
Portrait AddedManaphy Starter Shiny by Emmuffin
Portrait AddedMarill Starter by CHUNSOFT
Portrait AddedMarshadow by JFain
Sprite RemovedMarshadow Shiny by Caitemis
Sprite RemovedMawile Starter by baronessfaron, Emmuffin and CHUNSOFT
Portrait AddedMedicham Starter by CHUNSOFT and someone with the discord id <@!861005464682889266>
Portrait AddedMeowth Alola by baronessfaron
Portrait AddedMeowth Alola Shiny by Murpi
Portrait AddedMeowth Galar by baronessfaron
Portrait AddedMeowth Galar Shiny by Murpi
Portrait AddedMienshao by mucrush, baronessfaron and someone with the discord id <@!104090628937220096>
Portrait ChangedMienshao Shiny by Caitemis
Sprite AddedMimikyu by JFain
Sprite AddedMissingno_ Cetitan by Emmuffin
Portrait AddedMissingno_ Cyclizar by Emmuffin
Portrait AddedMissingno_ Fidough by Emmuffin
Portrait AddedMissingno_ Grafaiai by Emmuffin
Portrait AddedMissingno_ Mikon by baronessfaron
Portrait AddedMissingno_ Sprigatito by Ichor, Emmuffin and Anonymous
Portrait AddedMudbray by Ichor
Sprite AddedMunna by baronessfaron
Sprite AddedMunna Shiny by Caitemis
Sprite AddedMusharna by baronessfaron
Sprite AddedMusharna Shiny by Caitemis
Sprite AddedNaganadel Shiny by FunnyKecleonMeme
Sprite AddedNinetales Alola by NeroIntruder and Ichor
Portrait AddedNinetales Alola Shiny by Ichor and Audino
Portrait AddedOrbeetle by baronessfaron
Portrait AddedOricorio by baronessfaron
Portrait AddedOricorio Pa_U by baronessfaron
Portrait AddedOricorio Pa_U Shiny by Anonymous
Portrait AddedOricorio Pom_Pom Shiny by Anonymous
Portrait AddedOricorio Sensu by baronessfaron
Portrait AddedOricorio Sensu Shiny by Anonymous
Portrait AddedPerrserker by baronessfaron
Portrait AddedPerrserker Shiny by Anonymous
Portrait AddedPersian Alola by Pink_no_tori
Sprite AddedPetilil by mucrush and Ichor
Portrait AddedPetilil Shiny by Ichor and Caitemis
Portrait AddedPichu by C_Pariah and CHUNSOFT
Portrait ChangedPichu Shiny by Lovi and C_Pariah
Portrait ChangedPichu Spiky by Anonymous
Sprite AddedPichu Spiky Shiny by Anonymous
Sprite AddedPikachu Belle by baronessfaron
Portrait AddedPikachu Cosplay by Anonymous
Sprite AddedPikachu Cosplay Shiny by Anonymous
Sprite AddedPikachu Gigantamax Shiny by Murpi
Portrait AddedPikachu Libre by baronessfaron and Emboarger
Portrait ChangedPikachu Rock_Star Shiny by Murpi
Portrait AddedPincurchin by Emmuffin
Portrait AddedPincurchin Shiny by Emmuffin
Portrait AddedPonyta Galar_Alternate by EzerArt and Anonymous
Portrait AddedPonyta Galar_Alternate Shiny by Anonymous
Portrait AddedPopplio by Anonymous
Sprite AddedPopplio Shiny by Anonymous
Sprite AddedPrimarina by baronessfaron, JFain and Anonymous
Sprite AddedPrimarina Shiny by Anonymous
Sprite AddedPrinplup by Emmuffin, Emboarger and CHUNSOFT
Portrait ChangedPrinplup Shiny by Lovi, Emmuffin and Emboarger
Portrait ChangedPumpkaboo Shiny by Anonymous
Portrait AddedQwilfish Hisui Shiny by Emboarger
Sprite AddedRaikou by programmedsleepstate and CHUNSOFT
Portrait AddedRaikou Shiny by programmedsleepstate and Chi
Portrait AddedRalts by NeroIntruder, JFain and CHUNSOFT
Sprite ChangedRalts Shiny by Waffluffe, Murpi and Moo
Portrait ChangedRalts Alternate by NeroIntruder
Portrait AddedRalts Alternate Shiny by Murpi
Portrait AddedRaticate Alola by NeroIntruder
Sprite AddedRegidrago by baronessfaron and JFain
Sprite RemovedRegieleki by baronessfaron and JFain
Sprite RemovedRegieleki Shiny by Ichor and Caitemis
Sprite RemovedReshiram Alternate by Ichor
Portrait AddedRotom Drone by baronessfaron
Portrait AddedSableye Mega by Ichor
Portrait AddedSableye Starter by CHUNSOFT
Portrait AddedSamurott by FunnyKecleonMeme
Sprite AddedSamurott Shiny by FunnyKecleonMeme
Sprite AddedSandile by Noivern
Sprite AddedSandshrew Alola by Pink_no_tori and Caitemis
Sprite AddedSandshrew Alola Shiny by Caitemis
Sprite AddedSandslash Alola by Ichor
Portrait AddedSandslash Alola Shiny by Murpi
Portrait AddedShellder by Emboarger and CHUNSOFT
Portrait AddedShellder Shiny by Tacocoa and Emboarger
Portrait AddedSirfetch_d by baronessfaron
Portrait AddedSlowpoke Galar by someone with the discord id <@!413387711152390145>
Portrait AddedSlugma Starter by CHUNSOFT
Portrait AddedSmeargle Alternate by Emmuffin
Portrait AddedSmeargle Alternate Shiny by Emmuffin
Portrait AddedSmoochum Starter by CHUNSOFT and someone with the discord id <@!861005464682889266>
Portrait AddedSneasel by cosmosully, Murpi, JFain, Emboarger and CHUNSOFT
Portrait RemovedSneasel Shiny by Lovi and Emboarger
Sprite AddedSnivy Alternate by Emmuffin
Portrait AddedSnom by JFain
Sprite AddedSnorunt by Caitemis and CHUNSOFT
Portrait AddedSnorunt Shiny by Tacocoa and Murpi
Portrait AddedSpinda Shiny by Murpi and El_Pangoro_Parse
Portrait AddedSpinda Starter by CHUNSOFT and someone with the discord id <@!861005464682889266>
Portrait AddedSpiritomb by baronessfaron and CHUNSOFT
Portrait AddedSpiritomb Starter by baronessfaron and CHUNSOFT
Portrait AddedSpritzee by baronessfaron
Sprite AddedSpritzee Shiny by Caitemis
Sprite AddedSteelix Mega by Ichor
Portrait AddedSteelix Mega Shiny by Murpi
Portrait AddedStonjourner by Emmuffin
Portrait AddedStonjourner Shiny by Emmuffin
Portrait AddedStunfisk by mucrush and Emboarger
Portrait ChangedSunflora Starter by CHUNSOFT and someone with the discord id <@!861005464682889266>
Portrait AddedSwirlix Shiny by Anonymous
Sprite AddedTentacool Shiny by Tacocoa and Murpi
Portrait AddedTorkoal Starter by CHUNSOFT
Portrait AddedTrevenant Shiny by Anonymous
Portrait AddedTsareena Shiny by JFain and Anonymous
Portrait AddedTyranitar by Ichor and CHUNSOFT
Portrait AddedTyranitar Shiny by Murpi and Lovi
Portrait AddedTyrogue by Caitemis and CHUNSOFT
Sprite AddedTyrogue Shiny by Prismatic and Caitemis
Sprite AddedUnown G by Ichor and CHUNSOFT
Portrait AddedUnown G Shiny by Ichor and Audino
Portrait AddedUrsaring by baronessfaron, Tainted#3886, Phillips196 and CHUNSOFT
Portrait AddedUrsaring Shiny by Murpi and El_Pangoro_Parse
Portrait AddedVanillite Alternate Shiny by Murpi
Portrait AddedVenusaur Mega by Jeongsugi and Emboarger
Portrait ChangedVenusaur Mega Shiny by Murpi
Portrait ChangedVespiquen Alternate by JFain
Portrait AddedVikavolt by baronessfaron
Portrait AddedVoltorb Hisui Shiny by Emboarger
Sprite AddedWigglytuff Mama_Starter by CHUNSOFT
Portrait AddedWigglytuff Starter by gromchurch, Emboarger, CHUNSOFT and someone with the discord id <@!861005464682889266>
Portrait AddedWooper Paldea by JFain
Portrait AddedXatu Male by Emboarger
Sprite AddedXatu Shiny Male by Murpi
Sprite AddedYungoos by Emmuffin
Portrait AddedYungoos Shiny by Emmuffin
Portrait AddedZekrom by FunnyKecleonMeme
Sprite AddedZekrom Shiny by FunnyKecleonMeme
Sprite AddedZeraora by Emmuffin
Sprite AddedZeraora Shiny by Emmuffin
Sprite AddedZeraora Alternate by Emmuffin
Portrait AddedZeraora Alternate Shiny by Emmuffin
Portrait AddedZoroark Hisui by baronessfaron
Sprite AddedZygarde 10 by baronessfaron and NikolaP
Sprite ChangedZygarde 10 Shiny by Ichor
Portrait AddedOther Graphics
Average reminder to ask artist for permission before use except noted otherwise or permitted by a copyright exception.
Reminder that they can be download from
Cinderace_Pirate by Emmuffin
Portrait AddedCrypto by JFain
Portrait AddedFawfulcopter by JuanmaSG
Portrait AddedGhost by Caitemis
Portrait AddedPikmin Blue by JFain
Portrait AddedPikmin Red by JFain
Portrait AddedPikmin Yellow by JFain
Portrait AddedSmiley by Caitemis
Sprite Addedbackground for some of them
Ghost by Cait Sith
A completed PMD portrait of the RBY Ghost for @ryland_parker ! Thank you so much for commissioning me!
Pikmin by JaiFain
In conmemoration of finishing Pikmin 2, i did PMD portraits for the good old original 3 Pikmin. And one opinion: F*ck you Waterwraith. #pikmin #MysteryDungeon #Nintendo #pixelart
Smiley sprite by Cait Sith
lord forgive me for I have sinned
I decided to do smiley as a warmup
Crappy portraits
for some reason, it has been a trend of making crappy portraits on the MysteryMail Discord server. The channel is still open btw. I didn’t took the time to put all that in a nice looking SpriteBot, but I still downloaded them all. You can find them all (as of publishing) here. There are more than 100 of them!
Digimon’s by NeroIntruder
By NeroIntruder in the #general chat, when asked about it. Also said he was working on a Digimon hack
By NeroIntruder, in the art channel
another day
…do I even need to put separation…
Phillips196’s Sneasler
i don't usually post single portraits expression, but Vesp :)
Snow Town (Frosslass Hut)
Image 1: First Layer
Image 2: Second Layer
Image 3: Preview
Taeber’s human portrait
By taeber in the SkyTemple Discord guild
tried to make a human icon in the PMD style.. don't really think it's accurate but it's not too bad
UMG (still) looking for artists
Shared on twitter here. They are the group behind the the great Arceus Wish series.
We still need help!
Chapter 3 is bound to be a huge undertaking, if you're interested in volunteering to help with the art, reach out to us!Share this tweet and the show as much as you can! We need your help!
#pokemonart #pokemonfanart #pokemon #ArtistOnTwitter #arceusswish
About this newsletter
As a remainder, you can contribute to on-going publication of this newsletter. Help would really be appreciated. More information can be found on the dedicated page.
Did I miss anything? Feel free to contact marius851000 on Discord at marius851000#2522
, with an email at
, on reddit with the user u/marius851000
, from an ActivityPub-compatible service (Mastodon) at
or on matrix at
Newsletter Credits
Written and formatted by marius851000#2522