====== PMD ROM Hacking News of 26/06/2022 ====== Note that this post cover the last 7 weeks. I (marius851000) have also decided to make section just for this week, hoping it'll help to get a better overview of what happened during this time. ===== SkyTemple stuff ===== ==== SkyTemple randomizer 1.3.4 and 1.3.5 ==== //By CapyPara in the SkyTemple Discord server// For 1.3.4 :
- Fixed portrait downloading being broken due to a changed URL (#83) - Fixed some settings not being shown correctly at the credits NPCs (#81) - Removed some specific religious locations from the pool of place names (#66) - Added a patch that will fix the potential softlock with custom starters in Quicksand Pit (is applied automatically; #84) - Fixed the Randomizer not working on April 1st - Updated the core of SkyTemple (skytemple-files) to 1.3.9 - this means all fixes in the main SkyTemple app since the last Randomizer update are included - Android is no longer supportedFor 1.3.5 :
- Fixed some artist name portrait credits crashing the randomizationDownload: https://projectpokemon.org/home/files/file/4235-skytemple-randomizer/ ==== Capypara looking for custom frame border for the next randomizer version ==== //By Capypara in the SkyTemple Discord server//
Hey everyone! I want to make the next randomizer release even more fun, so here's a little idea I had: **Post your custom meesage border frames in this thread and thex will be included in 1.4.0.** Please attach a preview, and a CHR version for the top screen version and the WTE version for the bottom screen). You will be credited (via the info NPCs that are placed in-game).===== Community ===== ==== Jury result of hackjam ==== //By CapyPara in the SkyTemple Discord server//
The HACK JAM RESULTS are here: https://hacks.skytemple.org/jam/variousviewpoints - You will find a detailed breakdown of the results in hack-jam-submissions in a few minutes.//The breakdown in question// {{:files:jam3_breakdown.png}} Additionally, here are my personal (marius851000) {{ :files:notation.md | notation }} and some of my reasoning for the result (and "second place") ({{ :files:result.md |}}) ==== Mystery Mail 2 Ongoing ! ==== As a reminder, MysteryMail is an [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exquisite_corpse|Exquisite corpse]] of PMD: Explorers of Sky cutscene (ps: the [[https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cadavre_exquis|French wikipedia page]] is also very good, if you can read it). A second Mystery Mail event has started. Sadly, I didn't published a newsletter between the time it was announced and the time it started. As of the time of writing, it is still possible to join one of the 7 unreserved place ! If you are interested, join the MysteryMail server, read the rule, and look into the #availables-dates channel, with their pinned post. Anyway, still take these few importantmessages that were posted. //By Adex in the MysteryMail Discord server ( https://discord.gg/Fbvquy6prs )//
Hello everyone! We're excited to announce our second MysteryMail event! If you're unfamiliar with how MysteryMail works, please check out the #how-it-works channel. Signups will begin on 29th may 2022 02:00 (UTC). To sign up, we'll have a list of 15 slots open for two possible branches, so pick the slot you want! What do we mean by branch? Well, that's something new we're trying out! For this event, we will be running two events at once, and both will use the same initial scene! When you sign up, make sure to specify if you'd like the A-branch date or the B-branch date. Note that each branch has different submission times, each offset at around 12 hours. Also, to help encourage newcomers to participate, they will be given priority! That means for the first day of signups, only people that have not previously participated will be allowed to sign up. After 24 hours, past participants will be allowed to pick a slot. We're excited to see how different the two sides get by the end! See you soon!//By Adex//
Hello everyone! The second MysteryMail event is about to begin! For the most part, the same rules will apply from the last event onto this one (see how-it-works for a refresher)! We would also like to clarify a few things regarding this event: Submission Each participant will have 47 hours to finish their scene. What this means, for example, is that a Participant 1B starting on 3 june 2022 14:00 has their deadline on 5 june 2022 13:00! Next, Participant 2B will have their scene starting on 5 june 2022 14:00! If you want to reschedule your slot, this must be done before your time slot begins. You can either take an empty slot or swap with another participant, if both parties agree. You are not allowed to change dates once your slot begins! Custom Assets You may only add new actors, backgrounds, and objects to your ROM. There is no penalty for overwriting an existing one, but it is strongly discouraged to avoid conflicting with past scenes. If you want to edit a specific asset while you're making your scene, please let us know beforehand! Also, if you want to include a new Pokémon, please use the Add New Sprite button when importing their sprites, along with overwriting an unused slot (Arceus or Reserve slots)! ASM Patches This stands on a case-by-case basis: If you want to include an ASM Patch or new special process, please let us know beforehand for a final decision. However, for now, the following patches are not allowed under any circumstances: - snd_stream - TestSpeed - ChangeTextboxBackground As for custom special processes, we do not believe any new ones are necessary, but are still open to discuss if you want to include one. Also, we have included four that you may find helpful, but are not required to use: - 64: Set Transparent Textbox - 65: Change Frame Color - 66: Check Input Status - 67: Set Text SE That's all! We can't wait to see what you'll make! :MM_happ:==== SkyTemple podcast #1 and #2 ==== //By MaxSchersey in the SkyTemple Discord server//
Introducing the new SkyTemple Podcast! Wondering what hack you should try next? Each episode of this biweekly podcast will spotlight a particular hack, featuring some post-playthrough discussion and an interview with the hack creator to get more insight into what this community's all about! In addition, this first episode features a special announcement that we're really excited about! https://youtu.be/cGcJp32C1Nw//[[https://hacknews.pmdcollab.org/archive/podcast/SkyTemple%20Podcast%20%231%20-%20Four%20%28TM%29%20is%20the%20Morbius%20of%20PMD%20ROM%20Hacks%20%5BcGcJp32C1Nw%5D.opus|mirror in Opus format]]// //On the 15 June//
Podcast episode 2 is up on the Youtube channel linked above. From now on it'll be a timed upload at 9am Pacific every other Wednesday (not going to make an announcement post every time after this). Also now available on Spotify https://open.spotify.com/show/4yhS8yENWkViMhgdRpvvKL//Youtube link : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CIinhQ0NLCs // //[[https://hacknews.pmdcollab.org/archive/podcast/SkyTemple%20Podcast%20%232%20-%20Ass%20Cucumber%27s%20Best%20Is%20Yet%20To%20Come%20%5BCIinhQ0NLCs%5D.opus|mirror in Opus format]]// ===== Hacks ===== ==== Fragments 2 ~ Façade ==== //By Irdkwia in the SkyTemple Discord server//
Follow Rhina and Plusle in their expedition to search for the Fragment going through the 7 tests of the Temple! What will they find? **IMPORTANT! Please read the readme before going through.**//Not linking to the outdated rom// //later//
Fixes a bug for save files transfer In case you have already completed chapter 2 with the previous version, and to make sure your save hasn't been corrupted, use this EmergencyRom and run "Reorder/Clean entries" then "Save & Quit" Otherwise, same rules apply as in the original post[[https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/769498453126283274/981687989950357514/frag2.zip|Download fragment 2]] ([[https://hacknews.pmdcollab.org/hacks/fragments-chapter-2/frag2-second-version.zip|mirror]]) //Not linking to the outdated EmergencyRom// //later//
//EDIT: The previous rom wasn't working properly, so use this one instead//[[https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/769498453126283274/981736527266730004/EmergencyRom.xdelta|Download EmergencyRom]] ([[https://hacknews.pmdcollab.org/hacks/fragments-chapter-2/EmergencyRom-fixed.xdelta|mirror]]) //later//
Last update, with frag3 this time, to fix broken compatibility between both chapters Also, for quite obvious reasons, I'll put on hold Fragments as a whole... permanently And I think I'll put myself (Irdkwia) on hold as well[[https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/769498453126283274/982396754815225877/frag3.xdelta|Download fixed fragment 3]] ([[https://hacknews.pmdcollab.org/hacks/fragments-chapter-3/frag3_fixed_for_frag2.xdelta|mirror]]) ==== PMD Hell and Heavens update ==== //By Babou's in his Discord server//
The final update for Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Hell and Heaven is coming this summer (probably july)! PMD Heaven players, feel free to send me a message if you see any dialogs from PMD Hell again (with a screenshot if possible), or send it in 『😇』heaven-text-report. This will be fixed for the final update. Thanks in advance, and here are some screenshots from the future update. {{:files:hell_preview_1.jpg}} {{:files:hell_preview_2.jpg}} {{:files:hell_preview_3.jpg}}and
A new challenge, again... 👀 {{:files:hell_preview_4.jpg}}and
What are these Shaymin for...? {{:files:hell_preview_5.jpg}}//Later, on the SkyTemple Discord server//
Hello everyone! The next update of **Pokemon Mystery Dungeon : Explorers of Heaven and Hell** will add about 60 new attacks. Here is a little video showing you 4 of them! I hope you'll like the animations! A huge thanks to @Adex for' the ASM effects! :pokeriolu: https://youtu.be/qp4oPtFhxeU//Note: "Video unavailable. This video has been removed by the uploader"// //By Babou n the Babou's Guild Discord guild (which, btw, turned into a server dedicated to PMD. Other stuff related to Babou's stream are on the French server [[https://discord.gg/9JvwNc2QPq|La Babouzerie]]. More information in the #news channel of the Discord server.//
Hello @everyone! Update 2.0 is READY! It will be released in July, and it will be the last big update. Future updates after 2.0 will only be bug fixes or very minor additions. To make sure everything works well, I'm looking for 5 beta testers : 2 for Hell and 3 for Heaven. They will have to : - Look for crashes that may occur - Check that the new starters are ready - Check that the new dungeons don't have problems - Check that the game additions are working during the adventure - Report text errors for Heaven Here is the requested profile : - A lot of free time, indeed you will have only 3 weeks to go as far as possible and look for a maximum of bug - Trusted person, you will not have to give the patch of the beta, nor spoil the new features - Have played Explorers of Hell/Heaven and have managed to beat Primal Dialga If you want to help the development, and your profile matches the expectations, please tell me about yourself in 『🎮』beta-testers-application by specifying where you are in your current savegame, on which platform you will play (NDS or Desmume), and which version (Heaven or Hell) you want to play. Thanks for reading and thanks in advance to the applicants, I hope you will like this final update! :pokeriolu:==== Merchants VS Pirates v1.1 ==== //By FunnyKecleonMeme in the SkyTemple Discord server//
Heya! Just made an update to my recent hack! I'd recommend playing this version if possible. Main changes: * Made balance changes, namely, generally increasing HP of characters, and reducing the difficulty of the second half of the dungeon. * Revamped the scoring system to include a timer system, as well as making the game slightly more lenient on scoring (so you won't get hailed with Fs, more often than not) * Added a system to give a reviver seed to the player when starting the dungeon if one is not detected in the inventory. * Reduced the slowdown in transitioning between floors (thanks Adex). * And a few more things! Check the Changelog for full details! (Please do note that previous versions are no longer compatible with this, due to the change in scoring, and the rebalancing of characters)[[https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/769498453126283274/977244696105598976/MerchantsVsPirates1.1.zip|Download link]] ([[https://hacknews.pmdcollab.org/hacks/merchants-versus-pirates/MerchantsVsPirates1.1.zip|mirror]]) ==== update to Explorers of Memories Demo's ==== //By Shammywolf363 in the SkyTemple Discord server//
Hello everyone, here is a new update of Explorers of Memories with a ton of changes and bug fixes! Things in my life have settled down, so I am officially going to be working on the project again! Here’s what has been changed (more listed in the README): * Lowered berry (Rawst, Cheri, and Sitrus) and Heal Seed prices * Raised the Prices of Vile and Violent Seeds * Lowered points needed for Ranks above Master ★★ * Changed Rank Item Rewards: Silver: Friend Bow, Diamond: Ginseng, Super/Ultra: Gold Ribbon) * Changed Menu Music to Living Spirit * Lowered text speed slightly (still fast, but not instant) * Changed Dusknoir’s and Chansey's moveset to make grinding side dungeons less annoying * Miscellaneous text/cutscene/dungeon fixes with many cutscenes having new dialogue added to them! * Changed Dusknoir's level to match when a Dusclops would evolve[[https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/769498453126283274/977635666190041138/Explorer_of_Memories_Official_Demo_V.1.2.rar|Download]] ([[https://hacknews.pmdcollab.org/hacks/explorers-of-memories/Explorer_of_Memories_Official_Demo_V.1.2.rar|mirror]]) ==== Progress on Explorers of Alpha ==== //By Mond on Twitter//
And here's the reveal! A few things going on, I decided to scrap the other part of the release relative to the maingame challenge settings as I happened to jump into gameplay issues when playing, so it will be part of the next reveal ! https://youtu.be/pAxNnkDl2DY
And here's the reveal! A few things going on, I decided to scrap the other part of the release relative to the maingame challenge settings as I happened to jump into gameplay issues when playing, so it will be part of the next reveal ! https://youtu.be/pAxNnkDl2DY//Later, in the SkyTemple Discord server//
Explorers of Reverie and Explorers of Heaven starter lists in Explorers of Alpha 👀 Oh and I thought about adding a starter randomizer because why not, you're welcome ! {{:files:alpha_starter_1.png}} {{:files:alpha_starter_2.png}}==== PMD Retold First season complete video ==== //By yakkomon in the SkyTemple Discord server//
Hey all, for those who are crazy enough I've combined all the episodes of PMD Retold so far into one big video. The even crazier part is that I'm uploading this as a YouTube premiere that starts very very soon! https://youtu.be/YkcnBTr1NC0//Needless to say, "very very soon" is in the past// ==== Retold first episode of season 2 ==== //By yakkomon in the SkyTemple Discord server//
The wait is finally over. Season 2 of PMD Retold premieres in 5 minutes! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qKOncn2-vtI==== Bad Egg teaser ==== //By DiST (MAN-K) on the SkyTemple Discord server// //The 14/05/2022//
16 Days. {{:files:bad_egg_teaser.png}} Until the project is back online.//The 24/05/2022//
1 week.===== Other PMD Fan Games ===== ==== Zorua Mystery Dungeon Origins ==== //By [[https://twitter.com/RaoKurai|RaoKurai]] [[https://twitter.com/RaoKurai/status/1521253434615373826|on Twitter]]//
Been working with some friends making a 'tie-in' game for my zmd comic, like a prologue of sorts, featuring two of my chars to boot! It's pmd gameplay but you get to steal forms and attacks from enemy pokemon..! More info and a download link over here: https://www.pokecommunity.com/showthread.php?p=10434392{{:files:zmdo-1.jpg}} {{:files:zmdo-2.jpg}} {{:files:zmdo-3.jpg}} ==== Another teaser for Pokémon Mystery Realms ==== //By Avarise//
Hi y'all, I'm here from the PMR team to show a small teaser of our game, showcasing our new combo system and a variety of moves :D https://youtu.be/tjXKcE6g9u8==== PMDO 0.5.16 ==== //In the SkyTemple Discord server//
**PMDO 0.5.12 Released** A few balances to jank AI, some fixes to the gameplay, and improved features for the editor!//later//
**PMDO 0.5.13 Released** This update adds more convenience for editors, including tooltips based on the code documentation! There are also low level tweaks to make the game run better with lots of enemies on the floor. Additionally, the updater is now being built in github releases. Next update, it will be set up as the way to find the download.//later//
**PMDO Released** This is a hotfix for a potential save corruption bug. It also comes with a new updater that will be the standard download moving forward: https://github.com/audinowho/PMDODump/releases//later//
**PMDO 0.5.14 Released** This version introduces a number of minor fixes meant to help developers. The current updater is also now obsoleted; make sure you download PMDOSetup going forward: https://github.com/audinowho/PMDODump/releases//later//
**PMDO Released** Fix for a save corruption bug that was actually introduced in 0.5.13. Also a fix for the setup/updater with macOS.//later//
**PMDO 0.5.16** A few fixes to compatibility, but the major change is the updater can self-update now. https://github.com/audinowho/PMDODump/releases/tag/v0.5.16==== Survey on your PMD and Pokepark experience and Update for Explorers of Void ==== //([[https://wolfworksstudios.wordpress.com/|Website for Explorers of Void]])// //By Sonia in the WolfWorks Studios Discord guild//
Hello @everyone, First of all, some status updates: Let's be honest, development has been slow for a while. We had to deal with important staff members leaving (including at the development team), new members, and a lot of work that needed to be done to compensate for these key departures. Other aspects (scenario, art, etc.) weren't affected quite as much, luckily, and we're slowly getting the ball to roll again. So I hope things will be in order soon. In the meantime, as part of getting things in order, our resident Game Designer @Méta has prepared a survey for you to fill whenever you have the time. This survey is, in short, about what PMD games you played, what you liked in them, what you disliked, and so on. We'll use the answers in the survey to know what elements you enjoyed and you want to see in this game, or what elements you despise and do not want to see at all. The survey is located https://forms.gle/5S2AzaVmSXVifkAGA here. If you have any questions related to it, please forward them to Méta here in the server, as he will be the best suited person to answer them. Stay fresh, and enjoy your summer!===== Other ===== ==== Open Emmuffin's commission ==== //By Emmuffin on Twitter//
I'm open ✨ 🌼More info and order form: https://forms.gle/PtAauvHXMgbGhYKJ8 🍑The current queue: https://trello.com/b/OoMTLAQ4/emmuffins-commission-queue 🌻 Gallery of my past works: ko-fi.com/emmuffin 🍋 More about SkyTemple: skytemple.org {{:files:new_emma_comm_sheet.mp4?autoplay&loop&muted&nocontrols}}//Note: As far as I (marius851000) know, Smalusion and JaiFain also accept commission. I have a [[page:commissions|page on this wiki]] to keep track of who accept commission// ==== JaiFain's commission price change ==== Price of the commission for JaiFain changed. More information on the [[https://twitter.com/DonkinDo/status/1526604613268430848|Twitter page]]. They also have [[https://ko-fi.com/donkindo|Ko-Fi]] now. ==== Nooga's commission ==== //In the SkyTemple Discord server//
>Be me >Want parts to build a new gaming PC >Parts require moolah That's right folks, I'm opening commissions! (Might be best to open the image outside of discord to read it?). Please keep timezones in mind - although I might not be able to get to you instantly I'll typically be able to respond to queries within 48 hours. Be sure to read my TOS for more detailed information: https://www.deviantart.com/ubernooga/journal/Nooga-s-Commission-Terms-of-Service-917284075 {{:files:commissionsheet2022-scaled-nooga.png?direct&400|}}//Use Ctrl+click to open the image in a new tab. Or right click -> open in new tab// //It's not primarily targeted at PMD portrait, but this is a possibility shown here. You can portraits by Nooga on the [[https://sprites.pmdcollab.org/|SpriteCollab]] interface, by searching Nooga.// === Alex's tileset commission === //By Alex in the SkyTemple Discord server//
I do some cool tileset stuff. I've done a lot of animated dungeon tilesets, including both walls and floor anims. Hit me up if you ever have an idea for a tileset that you think is a bit too tough to do yourself. {{:files:alexs_coms.gif}}==== Message from Ass Cucumber ==== //By Ass Cucumber in the SkyTemple Discord server//
I want to take a moment to apologize publicly for the damage my actions caused to this community, either directly or indirectly. A couple days ago I spoke with some of the members of the mod team about my hacks as well as hacks that were created as an indirect result of my actions. I was unaware of the full extent of the damage these caused until then. My John Cena hack attracted the wrong audience to Skytemple, and as a result of this, several people's feelings were hurt. It has become abundantly clear to me that a project of this nature should never be made again. Prisoner of Asskaban, the John Cena sequel which has been on the back burner for a whole year now, is officially cancelled. Thank you for your understanding as I continue to work toward improving myself.===== New Community Assets ===== ==== GraphQL API ==== //By CapyPara in the SkyTemple Discord server//
There is now a GraphQL API server for accessing SpriteCollab (SpriteBot) resources, if you want to retrieve sprite/portrait metadata/assets in an automated way. Please limit traffic to reasonable levels and don't abuse the service. If you plan to ship any software/web app that uses it, please let us know: https://spriteserver.pmdcollab.org/ The new sprite viewer also uses this API now: https://sprites.pmdcollab.org/I (marius851000) also put in place the same API (and sprite server) for NotSpriteCollab : API at https://nss.pmdcollab.org and the user interface at https://nsc.pmdcollab.org . //As a reminder, NotSpriteCollab is a version of SpriteCollab for creature and other sprites and portraits not accepted here. Also, SpriteCollab is a collection of sprites and portraits for Pokémons, extending those present in Explorers of Sky and Rescue Team, allowing reuse for other creative content (like rom-hacks).// ==== Pokémon ==== Animated sprites in this section are animated PNG files. If animated sprites appear to be static images, make sure that your browser supports PNG animation. (Most modern browsers should display them just fine, though.) Also, there are a lot of entry this time, due to it covering 7 weeks. It have more than 10 000 individual image, so if your browser is laggy, that's probably the cause of it. For this reason, I folded all the Alcremie change, and used lazy loading for images in folded view. That mean they will only be download when they are displayed (which may introduce latency). The unfolded by default image should all be loaded with the remaining of the page. At least for browser supporting it ([[https://caniuse.com/loading-lazy-attr|see here]]). Otherwise, the web page will just be slower. ~~pokechange:64-70-changes-spritecollab~~ ==== Other Graphics ==== //Unless told otherwise, assume the artist keep all their right to the art. Ask them before use (yes, I know that copying them on this site is totally infringing their copyright. Just hope no one mind...// === Bombette by JaiFain == ~~pokechange:64-70-changes-notspritecollab~~ === NeroIntruder's Digimon portrait === //By NeroIntruder in the SkyTemple Discord server//
2 starters left {{https://hacknews.pmdcollab.org/archive/portraits/NeroIntruder/digimon9.png}}
one starter left {{https://hacknews.pmdcollab.org/archive/portraits/NeroIntruder/digimon10.png}}
all the starters are finally done. going to start rapid firing the rest of the portraits now {{https://hacknews.pmdcollab.org/archive/portraits/NeroIntruder/digimon11.png}}
recruitables batch 1 {{https://hacknews.pmdcollab.org/archive/portraits/NeroIntruder/digimon12.png}}
finishing off the devas {{https://hacknews.pmdcollab.org/archive/portraits/NeroIntruder/digimon13.png}}
third batch, three royal knights {{https://hacknews.pmdcollab.org/archive/portraits/NeroIntruder/digimon14.png}}
batch 4 {{https://hacknews.pmdcollab.org/archive/portraits/NeroIntruder/digimon15.png}}=== Destructive Marill's Stan Marsh === //By DestructiveMarill in the SkyTemple Discord server//
Stan Marsh portraits, because i was friggin bored {{https://hacknews.pmdcollab.org/archive/portraits/DestructiveMarill/Stan%20Marsh.png}}=== JaiFain's backgrounds === //By JaiFain in the SkyTemple Discord server//
https://twitter.com/DonkinDo/status/1530389496730112000 overworld backgrounds compilation moment//There are quite a lot of background, so I won't put them here. But... [[https://hacknews.pmdcollab.org/archive/background/DonkinDo/|mirror]]// === JaiFain's structure === //In the SkyTemple Discord server//
have a structure but you have to buy a krabby patty first AG AG AG AG {{:files:unknown.png}} (it is actually free 2 use, don't worry)===== Newsletter's info ===== So... First, I figured the file on the archive for hell 1.4.1 is empty. Fixed that, sorry. Second, also about the archive : 1. First, I already did the required change for putting "content and message with a violent character, incitation to terrorism, pornographic, including those involving one or many animals, the ability to deeply infringe human dignity or inciting minor to commit physically dangerous games" while respecting local laws (that is, just some relatively basic majority check. Note that I don't plan to put something more than a few Jojo hack behind them, finally being at peace ensuring every public hack that I known is stored here). 2. Now that the basis of communicating and working with a CouchDB database is done (conflict handling is always a complex stuff for system to be compatible with network splitoff -- which is certainly overenginnering), I'll add the ability to other user to edit content in the archive, with an history (A la Wikidata/Wikibase -- could actually just have hosted a wikibase instance if this weren't for content mentionned in 1. -- and could still have made a plugin). This will probably take some time due to the complexity of working with couchdb and the complexity of working with historical content in general (while keeping consistency and resolving edition conflict. People doing advanced git usage should know what I'm speaking about). But I'll maybe do this sometime once I'm done enhancing SpriteBot for hopefully make it support tileset and maybe a few other stuff. Third : I'll start making small quaterly retrospective of what happened around the PMD rom-hack community. I'll keep them small, mostly linking to other content, but with less quotation than your usual newsletter. I'll probably write a document to show you how you could help with this soon. (btw, you can already help me write the newsletter -- see the [[org:start]] page). That's all for now. See you hopefully next week (also, shut down the matrix server at hacknews.pmdcollab.org. I never finished to set it up. I still plan on making a matrix bridge for the Discord server someday, but it would be on my personal domain, mariusdavid.fr . ====== About this newsletter ====== As a remainder, you can contribute to on-going publication of this newsletter. Help would really be appreciated. More information can be found on [[org:start|the dedicated page]]. Did I miss anything? Feel free to contact marius851000 on Discord at ''marius851000#2522'', with an email at ''marius@mariusdavid.fr'', on reddit with the user ''u/marius851000'', from an ActivityPub-compatible service (Mastodon) at ''@marius851000@mariusdavid.fr'' or on matrix at ''@marius851000:mariusdavid.fr''. ===== Newsletter Credits ===== Written and formatted by ''marius851000#2522''.